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Lv 6
moglie asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

Who's to blame for the rise in 'problem kids'?

More problem children today than 50 years ago: Vanier Institute study.Today's youth seem incorrigible,


I'm not blaming anyone. I just read an article on this study today and wanted to know what you all think and your ideas.

17 Answers

  • Me777
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    One they learn from their peers and family , but it is up to the parents to nip it in the butt before it gets worse . If the parents dont then I put the blame on them .

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all I think it is peer pressure that ruins our kids. All the parents are trying to outdo the other ones so their child has to have what all the others have. I don't think it's so much the kids fault but more the adults. Also, our laws have changed to protect kids, but in essence, go a bit too far. Kids can yell, child abuse, for the very simple fact that they don't like the way things are going at home and their parents will be investigated...It's their word over the parents at that point. I am not saying their isn't some serious abuse that goes on, but I think there should be a little more care in how it is approached.

    The parents are supposed to be able to parent and I think that has been lost in today's rush.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I blame the parents.

    They are becoming younger and younger and more irresponsible than ever.

    Now I was young when I had my first and some of the young parents can grow up and be responsible but alot of the young paretns are still worried about them selfs and doing drugs and partying and doing what htey want and not about thier child. The child seems to be pawned off on family and friends while they continue thier young lifestyle.

    Of course this will wear off on the child and the child may rebel because they don't have the life or theparents that they want.

    Again the parents. Laid back parenting is not the way to go. My sister in law doesn't do rules, no nothing and the kids run her. And she wonders whey they don't listen. Well it is because she doesn't set rules. Kids want to have rules but they have to be raised on rules. You can't not have rules and then all of a sudden make them. Kids want boundaries. They want to make thier parents happy. My mom never had ruels for me and that is all i wanted. I always asked for rulse and she never made them.

    The way the child is raised makes all the difference. And of course all children will go through a phase where they will rebel but that doesn' tmean that they are a problem child. YOu know a problem child when you see one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its the parents. most parents today do not have the guts to make their kids do any thing any more. they raise spoiled brats who do what they want and don't care because the parents never taught them right from wrong. if more parents had the since to SPANK their kids, and to follow through with proper GROUNDINGS, and other forms of discipline then maybe their would not be so much of a problem. also 50 years ago teens listened to their parents and did what their parents wanted. they had true RESPECT for their parents even though they were SPANKED. most people I know today say that spanking only puts fear into a child. it does not put fear into a child unless it is abuse. and abuse is much more than a spanking. abuse is leaving painful marks on a child or beating the he ll out of them. in my experience SPANKINGS = RESPECT. in my parents experience SPANKINGS = RESPECT, in my grand parents, great grand parents great grand parents, ... great great great great great great grand parents SPANKINGS = RESPECT. if it has worked for so long then why do people suddenly want to change it? the problem is that kids have no respect and that is the parent's fault.

    Source(s): I thank my parents for spanking me. history does not lie. SPANKINGS = RESPECT!
  • 1 decade ago

    society. discipline is not allow really. cps is making sure that even spankings will not be allowed soon. and drugs have a big input on the behavior of children born into those life styles , i feel for the kids. 20, 30 ,40 yrs ago we got a spanking we didn't forget it for awhile , so we wouldn't be able to get out of control our parents wouldn't allow it . now days no one cares about today's children"s behavior , but they will be running this country in another 30,40,50 yrs, a scary thought.

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel it has alot to do with both parents having to work and nobody home supervising the kids. The increasing divorce rate has had an impact on diminishing old fashioned morals and lead to general lack of respect for the family unit. I also believe a good ole fashioned spanking never hurt. Poeple are scared to parent the way they see fit bcuz they fear everyone else's opinion of their ablities to parent.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's because of the "experts", and the people who follow their advice. These days it's not fashionable to spank or discipline in any way, except time outs, and hell, I got sent to my room when I was a kid, and it didn't teach me that what I was doing was wrong; all it taught me was that I would just stay in here awhile and then all would be forgotten and nothing substantial would happen. No wonder we have such high recidivism in prisons these days; a lot of adults being "sent to their rooms" for "being naughty."

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't exactly save the blame all for just one.. I do believe that it is a combination of things.. Family and Friends though do play a big part on how a child is raised.. Parents and peers aren't doing what they need to be doing.. but our laws in our country have become laxed and harder for parents to be parents..

  • mommie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    im a parent. and i blame some of us. meaning the ones who dont know what their children are out doing, the ones who let the tv be the babysitter, the ones that are out enjoying their life more than enjoying their childrens. i will admit there are things i regret in the earlier years of my childrens life but i know theyll turn out ok cause i worry about them every day and if i am the best mother i can be.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Parents not doing thier job.

    but it started with previous generations and is snowballing.

    Trying to get the schools to act as a babysitting service.

    Single parent family explosion means thay you have one less parent helping to teach a child how to act in a civilize manner.

    Use of the TV as a one-eyed babysitter and the filth that the children are allowed to watch.

    Political correctness, which essentially means that its now not acceptable to say anything that disagrees with a liberal.

    The over-reporting of child abuse for parents who attempt to discipline thier children. Children are now trained in school that they can report thier parents for abuse as punishment for not letting the kids get thier own way. This leave parents SCARED TO EVEN TRY to teach thier children to behave in a socially acceptable manner.


    Note that it was appx 40 years ago that the liberals started removing God from schools....

    They removed the teacher's ability to try to teach morality and then wonder why they are gettig more and more amoral people walking around in society.

    "Separation of church and state" is NOT in the constitution. The second ammend ment says Congress "SHALL MAKE NO LAW" promoting OR restricting any religion.

    Note that the states are not prohibited from choosing to promote or restrict religions under the Constitution... CONGRESS is.

    Essentially is tells the Federal government to BUTT OUT.

    Source(s): Added info: Don't blame dual income families. The only reason dual income is "needed" is because we are spoiled. In the 1920's it was normal for a family of 4 to live in a 2 bedroom shack with no running water and an outhouse. No car, no TV. They might have 1 horse a couple of cows and a few chickens. Kids might get shoes to wear in winter but not summer. The average person had 2 sets of clothes... Sunday and every other day. Our poverty level is defined by a percentage of average family income... not on real poeverty. Real poverty is living in a cardboard box and trying to figure out how you can get food to eat one meal a week.
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