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    My wife was attacked by a giant bat creature!?

    My wife and I were walking in Terry Hershey Park in West Houston this evening, just after the sun went down and a giant bat-like creature swooped down and started attacking her. Not including the wings, it was the size of a large man. She pepper sprayed it in the face and it let out an awful scream before flying off. I think she is okay but she has some scratches and bruises. Should we go to the emergency room or should she be fine. I worry that the thing could've had rabies, but she seems fine and it did not have foam in its mouth.

    I drew a picture of what we saw, which is attached to this post. Has anyone else seen this creature?

    10 Answers2 years ago
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    Why has Prince Harry set a bad example to British males?

    Favorite Answer:

    Marrying an unsuitable person.

    5 Answers3 years ago