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- 26Upvotes of all answers in this question
Quitting my job to stay home with my child?
My child attends a daycare. I'm so worried about him lately I can't focus. At the daycare he sttends there is a playground with a broken fence. Even if it's not broken he could open the fence and get out. He's 2 almost 3. I've come to pick him up a few times and he's been in the parking lot running out alone. I partly blame the preschool for not having the fence repaired but it's also my son for not listening and staying inside. He's 2 though. I know there will be risks in any daycare but I can't seem to accept that my child might get hit by a car. Cars go fast at times in the parking lot, huge trucks and buses go through too faster than they should. Do you think this is enough for me to quit my job and stay home- it will be hard financially or do you think other solutions might exist?
16 Answers3 months ago - 8Upvotes of all answers in this question
Can school ipads be tracked? ?
Favorite Answer:and why is a pre-schooler doing such things?
6 Answers4 months ago - 6Upvotes of all answers in this question
Do I have the right to be upset about my daughter?
Favorite Answer:Convince her to go to college for what? It sucks, but college isn't for everyone. We want what we believe is best for our kids, but sometimes what we think is best. Really isn't what is best for them. She is working and such, school is not for her apparently, you might look into online or night course in child development and such, or child education and such. See if she might be willing to do one course a semester or something along those lines. Ties into her interest, is not overwhelming, and she is building towards a future. Beyond that, support her, love her and do not lay guilt trips on her, doesn't help.
20 Answers8 months ago - 1Upvotes of all answers in this question
Why is it important to work with young children and guide their behavior at an early age?
Favorite Answer:The "guide their behavior" part is questionable, but there are lots of studies showing that the first 3 years of a child's life are critical for their development. Their brains go through more development, and more setting up of connections between neurons in those years than at any other time, for one thing. They need exposure to quality language, and help in learning and developing their skills. For example, when toddlers start walking, parents often walk right behind, ready to catch them if they fall, but letting them practice their new sklll. That needs to be applied to everything their learning, whether physical or mental.
7 Answers8 months ago - 12Upvotes of all answers in this question
Can a kid start school at age 5 and be in preschool?
8 Answers9 months ago - 6Upvotes of all answers in this question
It is necessary to send our kids to playschool?
11 Answers9 months ago - 5Upvotes of all answers in this question
Why choosing a preschool is important?
11 Answers1 year ago - 5Upvotes of all answers in this question
- 18Upvotes of all answers in this question
Can my ex stop me from picking my child up from nursery?
So today I was asked to pick up my child from nursery by his mother, me trying to be the civil nice guy said yes. I went to his nursery to pick him up and found out I'm not able to as she said said so. Is she allowed to do that? I am on his birth certificate and haven't done anything that should make them concerned for him when he is with me. I have my children 3-4 days a week and 2-3 nights. Thank you in advance, she's really making me feel like such a bad parent but i try so hard for my children and need to get educated on my rights so I can finally put this to an end.
13 Answers2 years ago - 3Upvotes of all answers in this question
Horrible odor coming from student..?
I’m coming to this forum because I don’t think I could possibly bring this up to anyone else at my preschool but I am a teacher assistant and work with with 4 year olds..I have a child in my class who anytime we take them outside to play, she comes back in smelling like strong BO..almost like a mixture of sweaty nether region and sweaty man pitts. Which I don’t think is normal for a 4 year old - average weight female. I think it might be coming from her hair but I can’t say for sure. She is Swahilian and I don’t know what it could be..I have children of all backgrounds in my class and none have ever given off this scent, even after the hottest days..but it gets so bad that it turns my stomach. Has anyone experienced this with any child?
11 Answers2 years ago - 12Upvotes of all answers in this question
- 15Upvotes of all answers in this question
Angela Merkel does not have any children. is that why she did not care about future of German people?
Favorite Answer:I live in Germany. Merkel was stasi. She's a communist globalist and her affinity for Germany is as a tool of the left.
9 Answers2 years ago - 5Upvotes of all answers in this question
- 29Upvotes of all answers in this question
Why do extremely stupid people use Wikipedia? Wikipedia is full of unverified nonsense, original research, and NPOV violations.?
Favorite Answer:Because they're too stupid to do actual research, so they blindly believe whatever idiotpedia tells them to believe.
10 Answers2 years ago - 0Upvotes of all answers in this question
Are pork vegan?
14 Answers2 years ago - 1Upvotes of all answers in this question
When was the last time you hung upside down on the monkey bars?
Favorite Answer:When i was about 12
7 Answers2 years ago - 8Upvotes of all answers in this question
Do democrats want China to be the leading superpower instead of the USA so that China can make us communist salves?
Favorite Answer:I have no Idea, but they have been for publicly for China and the existing bad trade deals from the time Trump took over. They can claim anything they want, but the media, the left, those running for office, the elected officials on the left. Have very loud and clear sent the message to China, and every other country that Trump has been trying to renegotiate with. That once we force Trump out of office, whether that be through impeachment or the election, things will go back to they always have been. They have been undercutting Trump, the US's ability, like Kerry going to talk to Iran. They have done so openly, for the world to see, then deny they have played any role in what follows.
8 Answers2 years ago - 6Upvotes of all answers in this question
I have an I.Q of 162 but I have no intellectual curiosity nor do I read. Am I a smart "dumb" person ?
I have squandered any potential I may have had on trivial pursuits, gambling, drinking often to excess, playing video games to name a few. I have very little interest outside of my own hobbies ,which have been indicated above. I do not write very well and in person I am referred to as being aloof and selfish. When I speak I do so in a very formal way and often have been accused of being rather pretentious.
I know there are many "trolls" who create nonsensical posts merely for a reaction. I am not a troll and everything I have provided in this post is truthful. Would you consider me a smart person or because I do not take advantage of my intellectual ability, just an "avg Joe" ? Someone told me if I do not exercise my brain, all the intelligence I may have does not matter.
5 Answers2 years ago - 41Upvotes of all answers in this question
Isn't CNN responsible as well for so many angry, white, mass shooters? They have been marginalizing whites for quite some time now?
Favorite Answer:Yes, they are. But they'll never admit it.
10 Answers2 years ago - 21Upvotes of all answers in this question
Would you rather be a Jehovah Witness or a Christian?
Give a solid reason why, and why you wouldn’t pick the other?
18 Answers2 years ago