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    What kind of things are nice to eat in Thailand?

    Favorite Answer:

    My favorite Thai dish is khao paht, a rice dish that traditionally contains crab, shrimp, and ham. Practically, it is made as a clean-out-the-refrigerator fried rice. It is very similar to the Indonesian nasi goreng.

    2 years ago
  • 6
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    How on gods earth does Bangkok manage to receive the moniker of "Streetfood Capital of the World". I mean, seriously?

    I often see articles claiming that Bangkok is "the street food capital of the world". According to many of these articles, you can't walk 20 metres without seeing a world class dish as a cheap price.


    I was in Silom the other day, which is a MAIN PART OF BANGKOK. And I walked around for 45 MINUTES trying to find some inexpensive food.

    All I could find some lady with pieces of meat on a stick, and some hole in the wall restaurants offering noodle soup with a few pieces of pork (fat) balls. So I went inside a shopping centre and I couldn't find a food court, and every restaurant was overpriced. So I had to resort to KFC.

    How much do these reporters get paid for their sensationalistic reporting??!?!?!?

    Okay, there is good street food at Yawarat and Khoa Sarn, but they are only a couple of small areas in Bangkok.

    For the most part if you want decent food in Bangkok, you will have to find a food court, or pay for overpriced food at some restaurant. You're NOT going to just walk ten metres and find a world class food stall like many people would have you believe.

    How on earth does Bangkok get the name "street food capital of the world"? What are these people smoking???

    2 years ago