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  • How to get the butterfly stroke down to 32 seconds in 8 days HELP!!?

    I am 15 years old and started swimming in november of 2012, and my strongest stroke is butterfly. But my current time is 35 seconds for 50m which i know it not bad but i need regional time to be considered for the squad. I have accesses to a full gym however i can't come up with a plan to get my stroke down by 3 seconds so it is 32 seconds i know the full stroke however is there anything i can do to make myself go faster? Please help what will get my power and stamina up so i can sprint this stroke??

    3 AnswersSwimming & Diving7 years ago
  • I have very natural curly curly hair will this damage it please I need a confidence boost?

    I have wore extensions since decemeber but because they dont do my type of curls im forced to straighten it all the time. But I don't want to lose my curly hair because its good for drama because its different then most. However I feel more girly when I have longer straight hair so I was wondering would this protect the curly?

    Doing a deep condition every other day as I do swimming four times a week. Using lots of heat protecter serum frizz ease ect... Also letting it dry natural and straighting it when its dry and curly and straighten it once a day would that ruin my curls?

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • What should i do tonight which will be better to help me tone and lose weight?

    Okay im 15 and im 5'3 and 136 pounds im a size ten pretty much but i want to lose weight and tone mainly around my thigh because my thighs are alot bigger then my hips so here's what i can do tonight. I also do alot of swimming with my club usually 3 times a week for an hour and a half what would be better do a step class for 45 minutes and then go swimming with my club for an hour and a half or go

    total step-body pump or spin-Pilates for an hour-swimming in the gym no coaches

    31 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How can i become better at swimming please read?

    So ive swam pretty much all my life however i had to stop training alot when i was 8 because of my little sister. I also swam but not properly in a club or anything just went swimming at the gym from when i was 9-14. Then last October i decide to join a club and released how behind i was from other people my age. I train 3 times a week but i could increase it too four im just wondering how can i move up to people near my age is there anything i could do?

    1 AnswerSwimming & Diving8 years ago
  • I have really curly hair and i want to know what the affects of getting it permed straight will do!?

    I have naturally really thick curly frizzy hair, it about shoulder length with short layers (which the hair dressers put in!) i was wondering what would happen if i had it permed straight i had the brazilan blow dry but the hair dressers did it wrong and wouldn't give me a refund and it didn't work well. I want to know would my hair still grown what affect would it have on my hair how long does it last for help please!

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Psyhics homework help!?!?!?

    The cars electric window takes 5s to close and uses 200j of electricity. Calculate the power used? Help?

    2 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • Please read this and see if it will make me lose weight i really need it to boost my confidence.?

    I am 8'11 5'3 and i want to be really skinny and lose muscle in my legs and fat. I already know that muscles do this and that but im not happy i do swimming 3 times a week training and i have recently become a vegeratain do you recommened any other ways of losing weight?i dont want any say im perfect or anything, i want to get done to 8 stone by feburary as im sick off being the chubby one in my year. I eat healthy and have my five aday yet nothing is working? Help me please?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago

    I eat healthy i do swimming 2-3 times a week (i train for a club for 4 hours a week). Is there any diets thats make you lose fat fast i do squats and and abs crunchs however nothing seems to be working im 5'3 9st 2! For my breakfeast i have scrambled egg on toast for my dinner salad and for my tea chillie or chicken dinner!

    47 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago

    I eat healthy i do swimming 2-3 times a week (i train for a club for 4 hours a week). Is there any diets thats make you lose fat fast i do squats and and abs crunchs however nothing seems to be working im 5'3 9st 2!

    9 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Will having shakes instead of meals help me lose weight if i exercise aswell?

    If i bought weight lose shakes will they help me lose weight if thats all i have?

    44 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • mums wedding in two months and need to lose a stone please read!?

    So yesterday i went for my bridemaids fitting and the biggest size for the dress was size 10. Im a size twelve im 14 and 5'2 and weigh 9stone 2 i need to lose a stone to fit into this dress all the other bridesmaids fit in it yet i dont how can i lose a stone please help?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Help please im really self conscious bout my figure im 14 5'3 129 pounds i need your help read please?

    and really broad shoulders my hip are in line with my ribcage i have a lot of puppy fat on my belly and lots off inner thigh fat im currently a size 12 however with all my friends being tall and slim it knocks my confidence people have made rude remarks saying my bums saggy and abnormal i currently got to the gym 3 times a week doing a 45 minute work out and swimming on saturdays for an hour i would like you to help me by giving me advice how to lose weight i currently eat 1500 calories a day and eat 3 meals a day and a snack include please could you tell me how to shape my waist as i don't really have on and lose a stone in 3 months anything ill do please!xxx

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Help please im really self conscious bout my figure im 14 5'3 129 pounds i need your help read please?

    and really broad shoulders my hip are in line with my ribcage i have a lot of puppy fat on my belly and lots off inner thigh fat im currently a size 12 however with all my friends being tall and slim it knocks my confidence people have made rude remarks saying my bums saggy and abnormal i currently got to the gym 3 times a week doing a 45 minute work out and swimming on saturdays for an hour i would like you to help me by giving me advice how to lose weight i currently eat 1500 calories a day and eat 3 meals a day and a snack include please could you tell me how to shape my waist as i don't really have on and lose a stone in 3 months anything ill do please!xxx

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • My babys dying inside me because the doctor said it was dead help!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    I first found out i was pregnant and went for my scan and this Pakistani doctor said to me it was dead, he told me to take a some miscarriage medication to see if my body would dispose of it its self and i went to the next scan and the doctored said it alive but my babys dying inside and im having an operation on Friday to remove the baby i think im 6-10 weeks pregnant what should i do is there anything i can doo?

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • The pill has messed up everything please read i need everyones help and thought 14 year old girl?

    In April 2011 i started my first period and was very heavy ever since that day I was on for 8 day's really heavy and of for 2 months so my next period wasn't till June then august ect. Then on December 2011 i was on really heavy on Christmas day and on new years eve it continued and i was losing blood clots and changing every two hours. The doctor put me on tranexamic to lighten it up which did not help really. They then put me on a pill which i forgot the name of which did not help then put me on a stronger pill called Yasmin, which would have been about April this year, the pill maybe my boob's grow to a 34 b from a 32 A which was not bad however the pill was still not working and i often came back on time to time then another trip to the doctors said go off the pill for a few months and said come back when your on your next period since June the 4th ive not had my period my boob size has gone back done to a 32A and do not seem to be growing neither do i has the pill messed up my hormones can the doctors give me anything to make them grow and for me to start my period because i get sharp pains in my low body just above the vagina and this has been going on for a few weeks now however i am never on my period? Also i am not growing could this be a side effect?

    2 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • Is this enough exercise and food this summer for 14 year old girl 5'3 im 9 stone?

    Okay im going to go to the gym 20 minutes intense running on the running machine and a cool down with some light weights and than 100 lengths in swimming and eating 1000 calirous a day what are the risk will i lose weight in six weeks i have very broad shoulders for a girl aswell.

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • How to make super frizzy hair grow (read for more details)?

    Okay i have super curly frizzy hair which has tight curls not lose ones. Its just at the end of my neck, put when straight its just above my breasts, however i cant straighten it because when i do with my GHD i have to go over it 4-5 times sometimes even more and it gives me bad spilt ends. My hair never seems to grow have any recommendations of shampoo conditioner i user or tips thanks x

    2 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Why am i gaining losed of weight?

    Okay so at Christmas I changed how i ate and increased you exceries I lost half a stone but when i went away in April I did 6 hours sking and eat larger portions because i was hungery but when I got home o eat proper and had a few subways ect and when i tried my jeans on they would not fit my bum hips and thighs are getting bigger when o eat less and do loads of easier and tips who not eating anything only like a slice of toast a day help me lose weight and excerising?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Why am i gaining losed of weight?

    Okay so at Christmas I changed how i ate and increased you exceries I lost half a stone but when i went away in April I did 6 hours sking and eat larger portions because i was hungery but when I got home o eat proper and had a few subways ect and when i tried my jeans on they would not fit my bum hips and thighs are getting bigger when o eat less and do loads of easier and tips who not eating anything only like a slice of toast a day help me lose weight and excerising?

    1 AnswerDiabetes9 years ago
  • I dont seem to have spots on my face however i am getting them on my chest and on my brests they are small?

    I have about 20 small ones and 4 big ones what are they and how to get rid of them please!

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago