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I am fond of search engine optimization, internet marketing, social media marketing, social bookmarking, social networking, and all that is the WWW. I also enjoy video games and food. My blog:

  • Did marketing fail Ian Curtis of the Joy Division?

    I am pondering whether or not some better marketing and management might have made the situation better for Ian Curtis, giving him the help would have needed to work through and adapt to his problems? Do you think he would have still killed himself if his financial and medical problems had been lessened, and had he actually profited from the music that was killing him?

    Is anyone going to see the Control movie on Oct 26? I am so excited about this.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Help with Yahoo ranking algorithms.?

    Does anyone have any pointers? I am in an seocontest and I am looking for help with Yahoo ranking. Does anyone have any really good tips to help with Yahoo ranking in particular. My site has rss feeds, a blog, and many backlinks and triangulated links, a great deal of constantly updated content. But still no go.

    Here is my site at

    Keep in mind this site is only built for ranking in search engines, I know that it is hard to read because the background is so dark but I made it like that on purpose.

    Also if anyone would like a link exchange, I can offer you hundreds of backlinks on my seocontest blogs in exchange for good PR links.

    Appreciate any and all help! ( And if you have any great Google or MSN tips, let me know too! )

    3 AnswersSearch Engine Optimization1 decade ago