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Lv 56,023 points

Cathy the Chef

Favorite Answers35%

Hi, I'm a head chef and am generally happiest in the kitchen! I'm also a total fitness freak and love to work out after work. I have 2 degrees in Botany - the second of which I studied in Kathmandu. I have had type 1 diabetes since I was 14 and I have had an insulin pump for about 4 years now, which has made a big difference to my life and aloud me to do all the things I love to do (be a chef, travel and work out!). xxx

  • Has anyone tried insanity fitness dvds?

    What did you think of them? Good or bad? Did you get good results?

    I want to give them a try but in addition to and not instead of my current workout program - do you know if this is advisable? I already do a couple of hours a night at the gym but want to do the dvds in the morning before work because they're quite short. How are they for those who are already fit? Did you find them too easy or were they a challenge?

    Thank you so much for your help! :) xxx

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • I think my boyfriend might have nicotine poisoning! Please help?!?

    What should I do?

    He started on patches this morning to give up smoking. He's on the 25mg patch but I think it's too much for him because he hasn't been smoking much the past few weeks. He started off just with a headache this morning but threw up about lunch time so he took the patch off. But he was getting worse and worse and has had really bad diorrhea all afternoon and evening and is all shakey and seems really ill. Is this caused by the patch or is it just a coincidence? What's the best way to treat it? He's drinking lots of water already. I asked a pharmacist and she thought it isn't caused by the patches but I don't know if that's because it was her who sold him them?!

    Thank you for your help! xxx

    3 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • Help! Should I take these antibiotics or not?

    I went to the dr today because I had thrush - I have diabetes and get it a lot, although I haven't had it for about a year - it just suddenly came on a couple of days ago really bad. The dr tested my urine while I was there and said I have a urine infection (the stick was the darkest colour showing a strongly positive result), but I've never had one before and I don't have any symptoms except feeling a bit ill - nothing specific just not quite myself which I put down to the thrush getting me down a bit.

    This all started when I had Cholera and Hep B vaccinations on Tuesday but I don't know if that's a coincidence?

    The problem is that if I take the antibiotics for the uti it'll make the thrush worse so I don't want to take them if I don't have a urine infection. The dr said that sometimes thrush can cause a positive result for a uti but she'd give me antibiotics anyway and when I said wouldn't that make my thrush worse she was like 'yes a lot worse' but then prescribed me them anyway!! I've never had a urine infection before and I'm really not convinced that I have one now - should I take the antibiotics anyway?? What'll happen if I do have a uti and I don't take them? I feel like either way I could be making myself worse!

    Sorry about the long explanation - I really need help - I don't know what to do!! I did try to ask the dr but she wasn't very friendly and just kind of brushed me off. Thank you so much for your help!! xxx

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What's the best deal on a Sony Erricson Satio?

    I really want one for my next phone - who does the best price plan / deals? Am I better to get from a phone company direct or from one of those places like car phone warehouse or phones 4 you? I use a lot of minutes - over 1200 / month and hardly any texts - probz about 100. All the deals seem to be better for texting than for phoning now a days! I use my phone a lot for work which is why I need so many minutes! Please help - I got the worst deal ever for my last contract, now that it's finished I don't want to get done again!!! Thanks v much :) xxx

    3 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago