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Single Moms: Was dating even harder after having your child?
I will be 26 two months before I give birth to my first child. I’m doing it as a single mother. I’m excited and obviously my kid is my main priority but if my dating life was hard before getting pregnant is it harder after giving birth?
I do feel lonely at times and like everyone I want to find love again. I want to have a fairy tale relationship that leads into a fairy tale wedding etc.
Just scared that my love life is officially over. My dating life has always been hard but I hear men say how they’d never date someone with kid(s) .
I was talking to one guy but I found out I was pregnant and he obviously didn’t want to peruse anything with me since I’m pregnant and it’s not his. I met him before I found out I was pregnant
10 AnswersParenting2 years agoDuring first pregnancies when do belly’s usually “pop” out?
I am almost 14 months pregnant and I have no belly or little bump. Last month when I went to the doctor she did an ultrasound the heartbeat is strong and the baby was moving a lot
Just my belly is still flat and I don’t feel movements. Some days I wake up bloated but if obviously goes away after I go pee
9 AnswersPregnancy2 years agoIs it safe to eat ice cream during pregnancy ?
I am 13 weeks and I’ve been craving sweets. I ate mini kit Katz yesterday then had a big cookie today now I’m craving ice cream should I wait a few days or will it hurt my baby if I eat it tonight? I eat regular food too so it’s not just sweets.
4 AnswersPregnancy2 years agoWomen’s health: does adnormal Pap smear necessary mean bad news?
I am 25 years old pregnant with my first child so I did a Pap smear during my first prenatal visit last month. I went today to see my baby and hear a heart beat but my Pap smear came back positive.
My doctor says not to worry cause it could most likely be nothing but she wants a closer look so next month she’ll go back in with a microscope to look.
She says for my age and my overall health is fine I don’t have much to worry about but it’s good to look
Anyone else have to deal with this before?
1 AnswerWomen's Health2 years agoBaby girl names: what are some unique 4 letter names?
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 years agoWhat are some cute unisex names to go with the last name Rodriguez?
12 AnswersBaby Names2 years agoMamas: Did you cramp on both sides or just one side?
I am supposedly 2 months pregnant and I have no morning sickness or tender breasts. I just cramps sometimes dull little aches they’re mostly on my right side. Not my lower stomach though . Aching on the side of my stomach on the right side.
Is this normal? I go for a vagina ultrasound today at 3:30. I’m just nervous. I know the baby is too small to show on a belly ultrasound but yesterday my doctor did one of those and there was nothing.
I took 12 at home tests which all came positive and one urine test which came back positive. I’m like super hairy I have thin hair all over my stomach.
This is my first time being pregnant and it’s like everything is starting to scare me. When I mentioned to my stomach she didn’t say anything other than if something was wrong my lower stomach would be in severe pain
3 AnswersPregnancy2 years agoHelp me choose a baby girl name!?
I found out I’m 2 months pregnant a few days ago. I’m doing it as a single mama! The last name will be Rodriguez. For the middle name I want to use “Ann”
Only name I can think of is Finley Ann Rodriguez
Please help me with names - create 5 unique names!
11 AnswersBaby Names2 years agoBaby names which do you like?
Eve Madeleine Krautheim & Liam Matthew Krautheim
Jane Catherine Krautheim & Waylon Preston Krautheim
Jameson Ann Krautheim & Noah Ayden Krautheim
Celia Ann Krautheim & Aodhan Joseph Krautheim
Arianna Louise Krautheim & Jack Edward Krautheim
Kennedy Marie Krautheim & Roy Oliver Krautheim
12 AnswersBaby Names2 years agoI bleed after sex every time?
I lost my virginity a month ago to my boyfriend. I bleed a lot which lasted for a day or two. Now whenever have sex I bleed a little bit just spotting then it’ll go away after a few mins. Last night we had sex 3 times and I bleed a little bit wasn’t sure if it was because I got off my period a few days ago it might of been old blood
I don’t have an std and I’ve never done anything sexual before him. My vagina doesn’t get as wet as I guess the average women’s would... what could this me? I don’t hurt at all.
5 AnswersWomen's Health2 years agoIs it normal for texting to die down in a relationship?
My boyfriend normally text me a lot but I notice sometimes we will be texting then all of a sudden he stops then replies back with one word.
Is it normal for texting to die down?
7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships3 years agoRelationship: Do men cheat even though they say they won’t because they’ve been cheated on before?
My boyfriend and I have been together almost three months now. Before we became official I made him wait 10 dates before I’d be his girlfriend because I wanted to make sure he was the one I wanted to invest my time into given since I was single almost 4 years before I started to see him. I got cheated on and abused by my ex so many times that it made it hard to trust people.
My current boyfriend says he understands my worries but he won’t ever cheat or abuse me because he too knows how it feels. He says that he wants me to be his last partner because he loves me.
Do men cheat when they say they won’t or promise not too? I notice we will text then all of a sudden he lags then replies with one word.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years agoWill I always bleed after sex?
I lost my virginity last Friday I bled a lot my boyfriend was sweet about the whole thing even though it looked like a huge murder scene... I obviously was sore but we ended up doing it on Saturday too which I wasn’t fully healed because I was still bleeding a little bit but not as bad as Friday.
My boyfriend is “big” down there will I always bleed from having sex with him? I know sounds stupid but I’m tight I enjoy sex with him but I don’t wanna bleed every time .. I could only *** when he stimulated my clit not just by penatration
Is this normal? Am I the only female like this?
4 AnswersWomen's Health3 years agoIs it weird my boyfriend got a text while we were together but he didn’t read it he swiped it away?
Yesterday my boyfriend and I were laying in his bed and he pulled out his phone to order from grub hub he were looking at what was on there then he got a text and quickly swiped it away...
He swears he doesn’t and won’t cheat on me because he sees me as his soul mate. He doesn’t give me a reason to think he is given he has said multi times he doesn’t cheat or abuse because he knows what it feels like.
I notice sometimes we text then he disappears
Is this normal? I haven’t been in a relationship for a long time
3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years agoRelationship: How often does the normal couple have intercourse ?
My new boyfriend and I are crazy about each other our relationship isn’t based on making love but it’s so hard not to wanna when we are around each other.. it’s like magnetics that full us together.
I have never felt so comfortable around someone it’s all so overwhelming at times but the last two days seeing him we ended up making love three times lol
Is it normal? We’ve only been together for almost 2 months but I’ve known him for almost 3
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships3 years agoI didn’t orgasm during sex the first time?
I had sex for the first time tonight I wasn’t nervous I thought maybe it’s cause my nerves I couldn’t orgasm but I bled a lot and the bleeding lasted for almost an hour. My boyfriends bed looked like a crime scene lol
Is this normal? I masturbate I orgasm but he was sad he couldn’t make me orgasm
Is this normal? How do I make it where I fully can get pleased
9 AnswersWomen's Health3 years agoAre all men very affectionate?
My new boyfriend I have noticed since we became a couple a little over a month ago is very affectionate whenever we are outside he always hugs me from behind and kisses me. Whenever we text he says how happy he is and how he falls in love with me more and more each day but it also seems like he always wants to cuddle with me and talks about doing more but knows I’m a virgin so he’s willing to wait but for t seems like that’s all he talks about
I’m not very sexual or into pda but I do fall for him more each day. He says he’s afraid I’ll leave him after we have sex for the first time... is that common?
6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships3 years agoHow soon is it to take the next level in your relationship?
I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for a month now almost two. We have known each other a little over two months he doesn’t pressure me into sex but I can tell he wants it as do I but I’m scared because I haven’t done it before which he knows but I also have body hair... I have pcos so I grow hair in places it doesn’t belong on a woman.
But I feel the urge to wanna be with him sexually... but my biggest worry besides him not liking my body is my vagina being too tight.
He says he loves me and waited 10 dates just to start a relationship with me that he has no problem waiting for me to be ready. But I’ve noticed the texting has slowed down a little I mean he says he isn’t leaving me etc
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships3 years agoI was in an accident but the guy ....?
Can someone who didn’t want to go through insurance go through insurance after he accepted a brand new radiator and fixed his truck but couldn’t provide legit receipts... instead claims to have paid 985 but only wants 550??
I live in California
1 AnswerInsurance3 years agoIs it a bad sign that he is doing this suddenly ?
I met my boyfriend two months ago we dated before starting a relationship he would always message me through out the day
I have noticed the last three days he text me but rarely responds back or when he does it’s one word
We met up yesterday he didn’t seem weird or whatever but once he left he text me saying “as always it’s been nice seeing you I can’t wait to see you again”
Then he text me “you don’t have to stress I’m not going anywhere unless you cheat on me that’s my breaking point. I know We will be serious soon. I really think we will be good but I already think we are in a good place but serious soon”
He text me this morning “good morning 😘” but doesn’t respond for like 6 hours when he would always message me .
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships3 years ago