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Lv 42,713 points


Favorite Answers28%

In my 40s, I live in New Zealand, and work in IT. I'm interested in history, especially military history, and motorcycles - I've had many, used to race a bit, and currently ride a Ducati. I believe strongly in freedom, and not at all in religion - it is a delusion, sometimes dangerous, often harmless, and beneficial to society more often than tarot, astrology or Santa Claus. It is also a valuable freedom, and symbol of freedom. Politically, I believe in freedom and democracy. In that order. The human race must develop into a global community - and the best approach to that is through agreement and co-operation among nation states. Honesty is the most important quality in a political entity - from politician to nation state to global government. I expect those countries that espouse freedom, democracy and the rule of law to set good examples - by strict adherence to these principles and their commitments. The USA fails dismally to meet my expectations - and has since 1776.