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  • Would the CRA contact a student of mine for proof?

    I work as a tutor and am wondering if I declare tutoring income (that was received through e-transfer) would the CRA contact the student who sent me that money to make sure it was sent for services and not, say, paying me back for dinner? Thanks!

    1 AnswerCanada7 months ago
  • How to Prove Self-Employment in BC Canada?

    I'm asking this to help figure out if I'm eligible for CERB, so any help would be tremendously appreciated: 

    I have worked as a tutor for a while and made over 5000. I get paid either through e-transfer or cash. I think this makes me eligible for CERB. What I'm confused about is how I can prove I made this money. Does anyone know? I have the e-transfer statement things, but how do I prove that they were for tutoring and not for, say, people paying me back for dinner? And what about the cash? Also, if I provide an e-transfer proof, is there a risk that my client gets bothered by the tax people? Like, would the tax people try to contact the person that sent me the e-transfer? Some of my clients have returned to their home countries, so I don't even know how they would reach them.  

    Thanks in advance for any clarifications. I know this is super last minute!

    Personal Finance7 months ago
  • Is it ok to have photos of your ex on your Instagram when you're dating someone new?

    I was dating a guy pretty seriously for a year. We ended up having a really messy breakup about 3 weeks back and he soon thereafter unfollowed me on Instagram. I didn't unfollow him. Anyways, a week later, he starts posting photos with a new girl he's dating to his story (short turnaround, I know, he's trash). But his actual feed is still covered with photos of me and him. I literally only opened Instagram to follow him, so I have no photos of my own so I didn't take anything down after the breakup. He's definitely dating the girl so I can't figure out how or why he still has photos of me all over his feed? Is that normal? Isn't it disrespectful to the new girl to be occasionally featured on his story while I take up tons of space on his feed? Should I ask him to take down the photos? I can't figure out why he wouldn't take them down himself? Instagram is such an important thing in his life so I don't get why he's still giving off the impression we're dating to others when it all ended so badly and there's a new girl now. Is this normal Instagram etiquette? This new girl must feel terrible! What do I do?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • What does this mean in Japanese?! おなしゃす!?

    I got the following message from a guy and I can t figure out what he was saying... Tried using Google translate but to no avail! Help would be so appreciated because my Japanese friend doesn t even get it and it s stressing both of us out but we refuse to ask the guy! Haha

    "おなしゃす !"

    2 AnswersLanguages2 years ago
  • How to Find Housing in France (Menton)?

    I'm going on university exchange to Menton, France in January. Gonna be there until mid-July.

    I have been trying so hard to find a place to live that isn't the dorms (because they filled up too quick). I have tried writing messages to French reality companies in French and English trying to explain my needs (oven, 4-burner stove, more than 20^2 meters, preferably bathtub), but almost no one replies to me. The ones that do reply to me, send me a reply akin to "find a place yourself". My budget is 550 Euros.

    I understand that it is difficult to find a place to live when you aren't physically in that place, but that's kinda what I have to do.

    Has anyone looked for a place to live in Menton or France before? Do you have any tips? Any sites to use? Any alternative methods? Any reasons I'm having trouble? Literally any tips or anecdotal experience will be so much appreciated!

    1 AnswerProvence-Alpes-Cote d`Azur3 years ago
  • What Bike is This?

    I just bought a bike I saw a guy selling on the street for 200$ (Canadian dollars). It looked cool and seemed in good condition. He told me it was 60 years old, and said it needed a tune up and some fixing of the gears since they don't always change as you want them to. The repair guy confirmed this and added some new brake pads, as well. The tires were already new when I bought it. The repairs cost me 100$.

    The bike is great and I love riding it, but I feel like it might be worth more than I paid because it's vintage and whatnot! It's a Peugeot.

    I know nothing about bikes, so any information would be appreciated! (Yahoo wouldn't let me upload any photos, so I uploaded them on this Google Drive link: )

    8 AnswersCycling3 years ago
  • Should I Tell My Mom that My Dad is Dating?

    IN SHORT: My parents separated 8-months ago. They hate each other. I accidentally discovered my dad is dating someone else, and now I don't know if I should tell my mom. I live with my mom, and my mom is the better person (my dad wasn't the best husband at all), but I know that the news would devastate her, and possibly contribute to the legal proceedings that are currently happening. I don't really want to get involved in anything legal or hurt her, but I feel like it's her right to know, and she would be mad at me if she found out that I knew and didn't tell her.



    In December 2017, my parents separated after 27 years of marriage. They had fought all the time, so I think that they made the right decision. Now, they are in the midst of a bitter legal dispute, but they both remain amicable with me, their 20-year-old daughter. Each parent always talks negatively about the other parent to me.

    Recently, I visited my grandma (my dad's mom) and she asked me to help her out with her computer. As I did, I accidentally discovered romantic photos of my dad with some lady. My grandma got defensive when she saw me see them and asked me to stop helping her. I did, but now I've seen the photos.

    I don't think that my dad knows I have seen them, and neither does anyone else. He certainly did not want me to see them, and I don't know anything about the relationship because he has kept it hidden from me.

    Should I tell my mom he's dating again?

    6 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • Grade Possibility?

    Hi! There are two similar questions here:

    This is a math problem related to my grade that I was wondering about:

    So, our math final exam is worth 20% of our final grade. There are three terms in a year though. The three term's average is 80% of your final grade. So, the average of my three terms is 75%. If I get and A (86% or 52/60) on my final exam, what will my final grade be?


    I want to know how badly my mark can be affected if the following happens. (This is just for one term, so there is no weighing or final exams etc..)

    I had a 90% out of 120 marks in science and got an 87% on a test out of 80 marks, because of this, my mark went down by 1%. Now, I am at an 89%. If in the next quiz I get 6/20, what will my mark be in science?

    I hope the questions make sense, and would be grateful for any explanation or answer, so that I can plan accordingly.

    Thanks in advance :)

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • Is there such a thing as Negative Absolute Zero?

    I'm having a debate with my Science teacher over whether or not there is such a thing as negative Kelvin. I think that there could theoretically be. He says no way. Can someone help me by sending me some resources, or answering by explaining why it would be possible or not? Just help me win the argument. :) Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • How to get a person to trick or treat with you and your friends?

    There's this guy at our school. He's cool, and my sister would really like to go trick it treating with him. So far, the plan is me, my sis, 3 friends. I'd like to get him to go with us, but he thinks that we're too old to trick or treat. What could we do to get him to go? He's really relaxed/mellow, he likes all of us, and he's pretty nice. He isn't a very good student academically, but he's good at sports. Any ideas?? Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Are Teachers Allowed to Do This...?

    So recently, my teacher (let's call her Jen) told some of my friends and I that we can't play ping-pong over lunch as we normally do. The reason, she said, was that last lunch, some other kids didn't put their stuff away, and she had to do it for them. We explained to her that since we didn't play last lunch, -and there was proof that we didn't play- we should be allowed to play. Since we didn't cause the problem to Jen, then why should we have to pay the price? Jen said that she's trying to create a team mentality in the whole grade; basically that it doesn't matter that it wasn't us, we still can't play because of the others in our grade. We thought that this was unfair, so we went to the principal (Steve). He let us play, and we did, but because we failed to mention that Jen wasn't letting us play he got really mad. Today he called us to the office and asked for apologies etc.. Apparently Jen talked to him and told him that we were doing the wrong thing. We've been playing ping-pong over lunch for a long time, and it's never been a problem. I really want to get rid of Jen as my teacher (I want her transferred to another school). I'm in the Vancouver, BC School district. I'm just wondering if there are some rules that would make it impossible for her to have told us that we can't play. I understand Steve's point. I just don't know if Jen can/could've told us no, because of some other kids.

    I know it's long, but any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • Can Stores Sell Alcohol Based Substances As Remedies?

    I was recently in a large chain store and I noticed that -in their pharmacy section- they were selling this bottle of liquor as a "stomach remedy." I was wondering if this is legal, as I live in Canada where stores are generally not permitted to sell alcoholic things. Can somebody just explain this to me? Also, if this is being sold, can it be sold to minors, as a remedy?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Help with Persian Please!?

    So I want to know how to say sweetie/honey/baby in Persian and I also want to know what "eshegami" -or something like that- means. Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Galaxy S4 Active Commercial Song?

    There's a new commercial in Canada for the water resistant Samsung Galaxy S4. The commercial is basically a couple of people jumping into a lake with the phone. I'm interested in what the song that plays during the commercial is called. Thanks in advance for help! :)

    1 AnswerOther - Music8 years ago
  • What Do You Think of This Blog?

    What's your opinion on this blog? How could it improve?

    Thanks in advance for constructive feedback!

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Math Grade Percentage Calculation?

    So I have a final exam coming up. This exam is worth 20% of my mark. My mark right now is 75%. I'm trying to find out what I need to get on my final exam to bump my mark up to 80%-86%. I don't know if it's possible, but... Can somebody tell me what I need to get on my final exam? (which is out of 65).

    Thanks in advance! :)

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • What Does This Mean in Perisian?

    ديگة چرتو پرت نفرست :)

    2 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • A Spanish Name Like Lucia?

    So I know the Spanish name Lucia, however my friend recently told me this name that sounded really similar. He wouldn't repeat it to me or spell it, but I know that it was pretty much the name Lucia, with a little bit of a "la" at the end. I think it was either "Luci-la" or "Luci-alla" - something like that. All I know is that he pronounced the "la" at the end. It wasn't silent. The name is pretty much Lucia, just a little fancier. :P If any native speakers could give me suggestions as to which name it is, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks! :)

    3 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • How Do You Say: (in Spanish)?

    I'm a girl, and I want to say this to a boy:

    You've made these few months so fun. Even though you're mean to me sometimes, I'll miss you. Send me and Jane pictures of your girlfriends.

    2 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • How Do I Change the Date on an Email?

    Okay, so I'm trying to prove that I sent an email a couple days before I actually did. Is there anyway to change the date on the email, so that it shows the changed date to both the sender and receiver?

    I'm using Yahoo! mail Canada!

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerPreferences and settings8 years ago