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  • Am i getting a driving fine? ?

     i’ve been driving for 5 years now with a squeaky clean licence i admit i drive like a granny but i’m terrified of ever causing anyone any distress though my errors. after a 6 hour shift i finished work around 9am i was driving home and my girlfriend called me (or so i thought she did) and clicked the little bluetooth button on my “radio receiver” the phone was mounted on a magnet at the centre of the dash over a vent so i wasn’t holding it at all, i then realise she was facetiming me as she made a comment about how i looked like the walking dead due to how exhausted i was, i didn’t take my eye off the road and just carried on to noice a police car behind me approaching quite fast my heart raced so fast and started panicking and saying “DISCONNECT DISCONNECT THE CALL NOW!” i don’t know why i panicked i’ve been told regardless if the phone is on a mount and you’re not interacting with it youre all good but it’s just my mentality i don’t ever want to be in trouble with the police or anything like that i just freaked out at have been scared since 🥺 they essentially were behind me for maybe 10-20 seconds and must’ve seen my poor girlfriends face of panic as she ran toward her laptop to disconnect but as i changed lane they didn’t follow me and sped off. am i being paranoid? would they have pulled me over there and then? can i still get a fine or anything? i suffer from anxiety so need your advice as to if i’m in trouble. 

    Law & Ethics3 weeks ago
  • Am i getting a driving fine? ?

     i’ve been driving for 5 years now with a squeaky clean licence i admit i drive like a granny but i’m terrified of ever causing anyone any distress though my errors. after a 6 hour shift i finished work around 9am i was driving home and my girlfriend called me (or so i thought she did) and clicked the little bluetooth button on my “radio receiver” the phone was mounted on a magnet at the centre of the dash over a vent so i wasn’t holding it at all, i then realise she was facetiming me as she made a comment about how i looked like the walking dead due to how exhausted i was, i didn’t take my eye off the road and just carried on to noice a police car behind me approaching quite fast my heart raced so fast and started panicking and saying “DISCONNECT DISCONNECT THE CALL NOW!” i don’t know why i panicked i’ve been told regardless if the phone is on a mount and you’re not interacting with it youre all good but it’s just my mentality i don’t ever want to be in trouble with the police or anything like that i just freaked out at have been scared since 🥺 they essentially were behind me for maybe 10-20 seconds and must’ve seen my poor girlfriends face of panic as she ran toward her laptop to disconnect but as i changed lane they didn’t follow me and sped off. am i being paranoid? would they have pulled me over there and then? can i still get a fine or anything? i suffer from anxiety so need your advice as to if i’m in trouble. 

    Law & Ethics3 weeks ago
  • Am i getting a driving fine? ?

     i’ve been driving for 5 years now with a squeaky clean licence i admit i drive like a granny but i’m terrified of ever causing anyone any distress though my errors. after a 6 hour shift i finished work around 9am i was driving home and my girlfriend called me (or so i thought she did) and clicked the little bluetooth button on my “radio receiver” the phone was mounted on a magnet at the centre of the dash over a vent so i wasn’t holding it at all, i then realise she was facetiming me as she made a comment about how i looked like the walking dead due to how exhausted i was, i didn’t take my eye off the road and just carried on to noice a police car behind me approaching quite fast my heart raced so fast and started panicking and saying “DISCONNECT DISCONNECT THE CALL NOW!” i don’t know why i panicked i’ve been told regardless if the phone is on a mount and you’re not interacting with it youre all good but it’s just my mentality i don’t ever want to be in trouble with the police or anything like that i just freaked out at have been scared since 🥺 they essentially were behind me for maybe 10-20 seconds and must’ve seen my poor girlfriends face of panic as she ran toward her laptop to disconnect but as i changed lane they didn’t follow me and sped off. am i being paranoid? would they have pulled me over there and then? can i still get a fine or anything? i suffer from anxiety so need your advice as to if i’m in trouble. 

    Law & Ethics3 weeks ago
  • Will i get a ticket please help ?

     i’ve been driving for 5 years now with a squeaky clean licence i admit i drive like a granny but i’m terrified of ever causing anyone any distress though my errors. after a 6 hour shift i finished work around 9am i was driving home and my girlfriend called me (or so i thought she did) and clicked the little bluetooth button on my “radio receiver” the phone was mounted on a magnet at the centre of the dash over a vent so i wasn’t holding it at all, i then realise she was facetiming me as she made a comment about how i looked like the walking dead due to how exhausted i was, i didn’t take my eye off the road and just carried on to noice a police car behind me approaching quite fast my heart raced so fast and started panicking and saying “DISCONNECT DISCONNECT THE CALL NOW!” i don’t know why i panicked i’ve been told regardless if the phone is on a mount and you’re not interacting with it youre all good but it’s just my mentality i don’t ever want to be in trouble with the police or anything like that i just freaked out at have been scared since 🥺 they essentially were behind me for maybe 10-20 seconds and must’ve seen my poor girlfriends face of panic as she ran toward her laptop to disconnect but as i changed lane they didn’t follow me and sped off. am i being paranoid? would they have pulled me over there and then? can i still get a fine or anything? i suffer from anxiety so need your advice as to if i’m in trouble. 

    Law & Ethics3 weeks ago
  • Vauxhall Corsa radio issues ?

    I have a 2012 Corsa. A few days ago the radio stopped working, it worked fine the day before as i went for a drive after changing the headlight bulbs. The display turns on and shows the radio stations fine, the aux works fine and music plays through my phone. 

    i have disconnected the battery to try a hard reset (30min disconnected), i’ve gotten myself a new Ariel too but nothing works. it randomly turned on twice and even after restarted the car and turning it on and off worked fine but after say 10 min of the car being off it does the same thing. Fuse 3 or 4 i forget in the internal fuse box has been checked and is fine. 

    Any ideas what to do?

    Car Audio4 weeks ago
  • Vauxhall Corsa radio issues ?

    I have a 2012 Corsa. A few days ago the radio stopped working, it worked fine the day before as i went for a drive after changing the headlight bulbs. The display turns on and shows the radio stations fine, the aux works fine and music plays through my phone. 

    i have disconnected the battery to try a hard reset (30min disconnected), i’ve gotten myself a new Ariel too but nothing works. it randomly turned on twice and even after restarted the car and turning it on and off worked fine but after say 10 min of the car being off it does the same thing. Fuse 3 or 4 i forget in the internal fuse box has been checked and is fine. 

    Any ideas what to do?

    1 AnswerCar Audio4 weeks ago
  • Please can you give me some guidance?

    Okay so I went on three dates with this girl, she’s amazing we get a long like a house on fire, she always intimates text contact and when we make a date she’s never flaked. So we went to the cinema yesterday, and we spoke for a while before the movie started (we arrived a lot earlier) she shaped me these messages from some guy and said she needs my advice on how to wriggle out of not seeing him, I told her to make an excuse and left it at that. She insisted I read the messages too, and they were just horrible blunt replies from her part to him and she said something like “see I never message you like that” of course me ego is now sky high because there’s beautiful creature shows me a lot more attention. Anyway the movie starts and we watch it and she’s moving a little closer and for the first time we hold hands, then cuddle (put my arm around her, couldn’t cuddle properly due to arm rest) about 20mins passed and she resting her head on my shoulder, I thought to myself I’ll try kiss her now and gently touched her chin and directed it to look at me. I went in for the kiss and she said “no no” and rejected my kiss. I laughed it off and just continued to change conversation. Went to dinner afterward and didn’t speak about it. I don’t understand an I being lead on? She never asks me to pay for stuff so it’s not money or I’m being used for that. She did mention she’s never had a boyfriend before. Could it be nerves. How’d I approach this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • What do you think of this date idea?

    So I’ve been on two dates with this girl first was a meal, second was bowling, a meal and an arcade. I wanted to make the third date super amazing. So I thought perhaps I could take her to the shard in London... to watch the sunset? Before that I was thinking me and her could grab a meal and go relax in Hyde lark and just talk and hang out. What do you guys think? Yes it’s expensive (each ticket is £30) to get to the top floor of the shard, but I want her to feel special. Is it too big of a gesture?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • What do you think is going on?

    I really like this girl and we’ve been on two dates. She said heard I liked someone at work (we work together) and asked me who it was and I said it was her, she admitted to liking me too. The date was really fun, we laughed and joked and she would blush a lot. Recently she’s gone on holiday and she’s not been messaging a lot at all. Usually she’d initiate like daily and sometimes I would initiate too. She’s only gone to another city for a few days and apologised for replying late saying she had really bad signal where is was. But I see her online on Snapchat from time to time but she doesn’t talk to me... it’s kinda making me sad. I haven’t told her or asked why she’s not speaking to me because I don’t want to sound needy so I concluded our last brief conversation with “okay, I’m going to go get back to work, I hope you have a great time! Be safe and shoot me a text when you’ve got some free time ☺️“.

    Do you think she’s pulling away because I did something wrong? I don’t understand both dates went really well and she literally just admitted to being interested in me. Please could I have your opinions?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Why is she doing this? Am I just Overthinking?

    I really like this girl and we’ve been on two dates. She said heard I liked someone at work (we work together) and asked me who it was and I said it was her, she admitted to liking me too. The date was really fun, we laughed and joked and she would blush a lot. Recently she’s gone on holiday and she’s not been messaging a lot at all. Usually she’d initiate like daily and sometimes I would initiate too. She’s only gone to another city for a few days and apologised for replying late saying she had really bad signal where is was. But I see her online on Snapchat from time to time but she doesn’t talk to me... it’s kinda making me sad. I haven’t told her or asked why she’s not speaking to me because I don’t want to sound needy so I concluded our last brief conversation with “okay, I’m going to go get back to work, I hope you have a great time! Be safe and shoot me a text when you’ve got some free time ☺️“.

    Do you think she’s pulling away because I did something wrong? I don’t understand both dates went really well and she literally just admitted to being interested in me. Please could I have your opinions?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Opinions on a 6 year age gap? She’s 18 I’m 24?

    So there’s this girl I work with and she’s frankly amazing, she very mature and in my entire life no one has given me butterflies like she does. We speak a lot, like she’ll always come up on snapchat if I upload a story or even just to check in and she always initiates contact. When we talk she maintains eye contact with me all the time and smile and laughs at my jokes. We went out for food last week and things were just so natural and chill. I’ve asked her out again and we’re hopefully going out near the end of next week. My question is do you think she sees me as a friend or something more? When we talk I do call her beautiful and compliment her where I can. She doesn’t seem to flirt back but I’m guessing she’s the shy type. Once asked her how she’s approach a crush and she said she’s usually hopeless and hopes they approach her instead. She played with her hair a lot when we went out for dinner too. Should I tell her how I feel when we go out next?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Could anyone please help me out?

    So there’s this girl I work with and she’s frankly amazing, in my entire life no one has given me butterflies like she does. We speak a lot, like she’ll always come up on snapchat if I upload a story or even just to check in and she always initiates contact. When we talk she maintains eye contact with me all the time and smile and laughs at my jokes. We went out for food last week and things were just so natural and chill. I’ve asked her out again and we’re hopefully going out near the end of next week. My question is do you think she sees me as a friend or something more? When we talk I do call her beautiful and compliment her where I can. She doesn’t seem to flirt back but I’m guessing she’s the shy type. Once asked her how she’s approach a crush and she said she’s usually hopeless and hopes they approach her instead. She played with her hair a lot when we went out for dinner too. Should I tell her how I feel when we go out next?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Urgent help needed?

    So there’s this girl I work with and she is frankly, amazing. Funny, beautiful, intelligent the whole package. She’s always smiling when we see each other at work (she only works two days a week), she seems to remember a lot about me too; for example I told her my birthday a month before or so and she kept reminding me how she remembers it and wrote me a birthday text. She laughs at pretty much all my jokes too and they suck! In terms of social media interactions they’re okay... she tends to pop up a lot usually at least once a day but yesterday we didn’t speak and today she texted me but was kinda blunt and I’m not sure why, because when we last spoke the day before yesterday, we had a great conversation and she was keeping it going etc. she initiates conversation too but it’s rarely a long detailed conversation, usually lasts 20mins to an hour(typical starts with her sending me a meme). Something weird is that she’s always one of the first to view my Snapchat story or at least first 5. She maintain eye contact a lot. I’m also a little older than her by 6 years is that weird? All your help would be appreciated. Recently I opened up to her and she sort of started to ask me for advice regarding a situation she’s in with her friend, so I feel like she’s beginning to trust me a little more.

    What should I do, she said she wants to go out for drinks after her exams but I’m sure that’s with a group of people.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Can you save the day?

    So there’s this girl I work with and she is frankly, amazing. Funny, beautiful, intelligent the whole package. She’s always smiling when we see each other at work (she only works two days a week), she’s only broken the touch barrier once (smacked my arm because I was teasing her), she seems to remember a lot about me too; for example I told her my birthday a month before or so and she kept reminding me how she remembers it and wrote me a birthday text. She laughs at pretty much all my jokes too and they suck! In terms of social media interactions there’s okay... she tends to pop up here and there (only recently got her Snapchat) she initiates conversation too but it’s never a long detailed conversation, usually lasts 20mins to an hour. Something weird is that she’s always one of the first to view my Snapchat story or at least first 5. I do like her, and was wondering if you guys think she may like me. She maintain eye contact a fair bit and texted me the other day (I initiated) saying she wanted to show me a meme in person but she can’t wait a week as it’s too long till we see each other at work again... perhaps that means she was thinking of me? I’m also a little older than her by 6 years is that weird? All your help would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago