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  • an old game nobody can figure out its name?

    when i was younger ive had a strategy game, ive no idea what was its name, kind of a combination of tiberian sun and dune/emperor.

    it takes place in space in a somewhat of a mountainy place at dark...

    it starts with a machine that looks like a half circle and it plays as the harvester.

    i believe it has three kinds of armies:

    a robot, its buildings were yellow and blackish

    an astronaut, his colours were white and purple and i cant remember the third one unfortunately...

    i think that if you gain more and more experience it gives you more options of buildings and war machines and stuff

    i remember a powerful war machine, it was some kinds of a spaceship with 3 little spaceships inside of it and it sends them to battle.

    the game had a pretty good graphics for its time and the command toolbar was down screen.

    thanks you!

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago