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  • Pup 7 weeks old playing with mom and siblings became immobile. We took him to vet. He x-rayed, kept him a week for laser treatments. ?

    We took him to vet. They X-rayed him but found nothing conclusive. Vet wanted to keep him a week for laser treatments. He said mom could have fallen on him playing. I brought him home yesterday. I am continuing laser treatments as I have several LLLT lights. I’m  researching foods and supplements that may help. He is eating hard food; moving head a little odd at times. He wags his tail, eats and drinks. He is so sweet and loving. His brain is working well. We take him out to hold him up to potty. At night we put him on a soft bed with potty pad on top of it.  We have to leave water where he can move his head to get it. I read laser did not go through the hair so I cut his hair as close as I could from his neck down his spine. Any ideas would be helpful. I will NOT give up on him as long as he don’t give up. I do see a little improvement since we left him at vet but very little. Vet says he will get better or not. He is so young he could overcome. 

    6 AnswersDogs3 weeks ago