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  • Would a girl like me?

    I am 17 and I'm one of the top students in my class. I have short strawberry blonde hair, amazing cheekbones (according to everyone), blue eyes, and I'm a little bit under 6 ft tall. I dress in flannels, jeans, plain color tee-shirts, and converse. I like a lot of metal and hard rock music. I'm also probably the biggest fan of marvel and supernatural that I know. I like helping people and consistently volunteer as a tutor at my school. I'm generally pretty friendly and nice, and I don't have a surplus of enemies. I can easily get on people's good sides and most people I know think that I am funny. What would a girl think of me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Need help on understanding her actions. GIRLS PLEASE HELP!?

    So I've had a crush on one of my friends for a while and we have generally kept a pretty normal friendship, even after I asked her out and she rejected me. Recently, however, our school had a barbecue for the students that succeeded during last semester, and I was alone while she was taking with some of her friends. I was right behind her in line and she acted like she didn't even know I existed. I ended up leaving the barbeque because being near her made me uncomfortable. I was feeling pretty depressed as a result, and when she came back from the barbeque, I guess she noticed, because she asked my friend if I was alright. So I am a little confused as to why she went from not acknowledging my existence to asking if I'm alright. Can anyone clarify why her mood changed so easily?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is this girl that I don't like interested in me?

    I am a tutor at the high school I attend, and recently I tutored the sister of the girl I am in love with. Sadly, her sister was dropping some pretty evident signals. She laughed at most of the things, asked me personal questions, has been looking for excuses to talk to me, and my friend told me that she was staring at me during lunch. Could this possibly mean that she has interest in me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Am I in love?

    I have had a crush on this girl for a while now, and I'm thinking that maybe I'm in love with her. I know she doesn't feel the same because I asked her out in the past, but she said no. Although, I'm beginning to think that I'm in love with her. I love her scarlet red lips. I love her shoulder-length black hair. I love her chocolate-colored eyes. I love how she is always holding a book. I love the way she buries her face in her hands when she laughs. I love how my heart races when I'm near her. I love how the room lights up when I see her enter it. I love the radiance of her smile. I love how she makes me feel like life is worth it. I love how she exclaimed "Ha!" that one time in Advanced Algebra when she proved me wrong. I love how she can discern right from wrong like a second nature. I love how she is smarter than average. I love that she has never treated me like less than a person. I love the way the volume and pitch of her voice shift when she talks. I love her sweet temperament that makes me want to pick her up and twirl her in a circle when I see her. I love how she is willing to help those who need it. I love that she makes me want to be a better person. But I'm not sure if I officially love her. Any advice?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Need a book title?

    I'm writing a book and I need a title. It is primarily romance and it revolves around the story of a high school junior named Jared who asked out a girl and is struggling to maintain a friendship with her. In the end, they don't end up together, because he wants her to be happy and doesn't believe that they are meant for each other. The girl's name is Natalie. Any ideas?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Need help with a girl?

    Almost six months ago, I asked out my friend and she said no. At first, I was alright because I respect her decisions and thought it would be easier to remain friends. But, I got nervous every time I tried to talk to her. After a couple months, I started talking to her again and I have been since. Lately, I've become a little uneasy about our relationship, and I realize that I want to know why she said no. I can't directly ask her because I feel like if she wanted me to know, she would've told me. So girls, what are all the things that might cause you to say no to a guy?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I need help with the post-rejection phase?

    I asked out this incredible girl named Aliza a while ago and she said no, and now I'm struggling to deal with it. At first, I was fine, because I didn't think a relationship between us would work and because I only asked her out because a bunch of people convinced me that she might like me back and I really wanted to make her happy. I thought our relationship wouldn't change, but I found it really difficult to talk to her afterwards. Everytime I got near her, I would get really nervous, my mouth would go dry, I'd get the breath taken out of me, I would get really uneasy, and I'd feel really limp and weak. Eventually, I did talk to her and we had a great conversion about stuff for a little less than an hour. I was going to talk to her again, but I started to feel like I was bothering her. Her friend assured me that I wasn't bothering her, and I was relieved by that. But, I still feel unfulfilled and empty and I don't know why. I think it might be because: I don't know why she rejected me, I don't know how she felt about me asking her out, and I don't know how she's feeling now. Any input on why I might still be so shaken is appreciated.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Need help with this girl I might be in love with?

    The story is that back in February I started developing feelings for my friend Aliza. I told her that I liked her, and she was extremely cool about it. As time went on, my feelings for her got stronger and stronger, and I couldn't hold it in so I told some of my friends. A lot of them started telling me that I should ask her out and that she might like me. I was hesitant at first, but I eventually did a couple days before school was over. She said no, and was really nice about it. At first, I was fine because I didn't think a relationship between us would work, and she told me that things wouldn't change or be awkward, but I was terrified of talking to her. When we went back to school, I was still terrified of taking to her. Eventually, I talked to her again for a little less than an hour, and it wasn't awkward at all, although I was really scared. I tried talking to her again, but I'm starting to feel like I'm bothering her. I would ask her if I'm bothering her, but I don't think she'd tell me if I was bothering her, because she's too nice to tell me the truth. Do you think she would be bothered if I talked to her now?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Looking for good movies?

    I want to watch see good movies, but I'm not very good at it. Here are my favorite movies:

    Action/Adventure - The Hurt Locker

    Comedy - Hot Rod

    Drama - 50/50

    Romance - (500) Days of Summer

    Thriller - Shutter Island

    Crime - The Shawshank Redemption or Fargo

    Superhero - Guardians of the Galaxy

    Sci Fi - Inception

    Any movies like the ones listed above would be great. Thanks.

    3 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • I need help dealing with this girl that I like SO much.?

    Back in February I sat next to this girl in chemistry class, who I will refer to as Aliza (not her actual name), and we also had every class together. I ended up liking her a lot, so I told her, and she was really cool about it. Eventually, we began talking a lot more and people started telling me to ask her out and that she might like me too. I was hesitant at first because I just wanted to be friends and I just want her to be happy. I eventually did ask her out because I realized that if she did want to go out with me, it'd make her happy. I asked her out two days before school ended, and she said "no," but she was supremely kind about it and also called me "so sweet" like 5 times. At first, I didn't care that much because it meant that we both just wanted to be friends, but our relationship got very awkward and we haven't said a word to each other since. We have two classes together this year. So, here are the problems:

    1. Everytime I see her I get really nervous and I feel like I'm going to puke, so I try to avoid her.

    2. Because I spent about three months away from her, I craved to see her again and started to hate all of the other people around me.

    3. Aliza is the most beautiful, kind, positive, intelligent, fun, generous, and supportive person I know so I really want to talk to her.

    4. I'm dying on the inside, but I don't want her to know so she doesn't feel guilty.

    I need all of the serious advice I can get.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Chemistry problem?

    Which of the following elements may form a compound in the place of X in the formula CaXO4?






    1 AnswerChemistry7 years ago
  • Cute TV couples?

    I really love seeing amazing couples on TV and I want to see more. My favorites so far would be like Marshall and Lily, Andy and April, and Turk and Carla. Does anyone know any others?

    3 AnswersTVs7 years ago
  • GIRLS! Which song is more romantic?

    Which of these songs is the most romantic?

    Breath by Breaking Benjamin

    The Dirt Whispered by Rise Against

    From Heads Unworthy by Rise Against

    Until the End by Breaking Benjamin

    Hearts Burst Into Fire by Bullet for my Valentine

    Forever and Always by Bullet for my Valentine

    Without You by Ashes Remain

    It's Complicated by A Day to Remember

    Dear Agony by Breaking Benjamin

    Without You by Breaking Benjamin

    Never Be the Same by Red

    If It Means A Lot To You by A Day To Remember

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Most attractive aspect of a guy?

    I'm thinking of ways I can better myself so this girl will like me more. I asked her out and she said, "Oh my God Ezra, that's so sweet. I'm so sorry but I don't feel the same way about you. I hope this doesn't make things awkward. I still want to be your friend. You're so sweet." Something very similar to that. I didn't ask why she said no though, so I wanted to improve the part of me that girls tend to like the most. What would that be?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Marvel ultimate alliance movie?

    I know it won't happen, but such a thing is nice to think of. I'd mainly want to hear of the giant cast.

    Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man

    Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man

    Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

    Miles Teller as Mr. Fantastic

    Chris Evans as Captain America

    Chris Hemsworth as Thor

    Mark Ruffalo as Hulk

    Kate Mara as The Invisible Woman

    Michael B. Jordan as The Human Torch

    Jamie Bell as The Thing

    Paul Rudd as Ant-Man

    Ben Affleck as Daredevil

    Nicholas Cage as Ghost Rider

    Josh Brolin as Thanos

    Toby Kebbell as Doctor Doom

    Tom Hiddleston as Loki

    Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin

    Dane DeHaan as Green Goblin

    Hugo Weaving as Red Skull

    Tim Blake Nelson as Leader

    Liev Schreiber as Sabretooth

    Ciaràn Hinds as Mephisto

    Colin Farrell as Bullseye

    Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury

    Patrick Stewart as Professor X

    What would your Marvel Ultimate Alliance cast be?

    2 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • What song should I play her?

    I want to play this girl I like a song but I don't know which one between the following:

    If It Means A Lot to You by A Day To Remember

    Never Be The Same by Red

    Without You by Breaking Benjamin

    Tonight by Seether

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Would a girl like me?

    I'm 16 years old. I've been called cute and handsome excessively by people my age, I have short kind of dirty blonde hair with a little red in it and I'm pretty pale. I play guitar, I'm moderately shy, I love helping people, I am a straight-A honors student, I'm great at math, I want to be a math teacher when I'm older, I'm a little above the average athletic capacity for people my age, I'm 6 feet tall, I'm pretty skinny, I have a decent amount of muscle, I love Marvel Comics, BFMV, 5FDP, ADTR, Breaking Benjamin, ATR, and other hard rock/metal bands. I'm friendly and I'm good at making people laugh. I never make fun of someone unless they are mean to me, or they are aware I'm just messing around. I primarily wear flannels or dress shirts with the sleeves rolled up and Converse.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Any tips on moving on or letting go of someone?

    I realize that I can't be with this girl that I like so much because she doesn't like me back for reasons unknown and I feel that if she does want to be with me it'll be because she doesn't want me to be miserable and I can't let her make a choice she might regret since I care more about her than myself, but I'm having some trouble letting go. It's summer and all I do is just lay in bed being sad and depressing. I want to let go but I can't. Any advice?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I need to resolve a friendship. Any advice?

    There is this girl that I met this year who I really like, but I never really wanted to go out with her. Eventually, people started telling me to ask her out and I realized that I do want to go out with her. When I asked her out she said no but she was really kind about it. It's awkward between us now and I want to fix that. I can't move on and miss how it used to be. I need help getting her to be my girlfriend or fixing this friendship.

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago