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Im Carlos I Play soccer Im Cool

  • Fantasy Baseball Reliever help!?

    Fernando Rodney, with Fuentes on the DL (not for long)

    or Octavio Dotel?

    2 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Need to make room on my fantasy team!!?

    Ok so i have just one catcher, Russell Martin then at first i have Albert Pujols and the injured Joey Votto at second i have Freddy Sanchez and the backup is Felipe Lopez

    and at short Stephen Drew and my outfield

    -Carl Crawford

    -Carlos Lee

    -Jermaine Dye

    and Luke Scott

    and my pitching is Jon Lester, Edwin Jackson, Felix Hernandez as my aces then i have Gil Meche, Ubaldo Jimenez and Tommy Hanson

    the closers are Ryan Franklin, Chad Qualls, David Aardsma and George Sherrill (Jose Valverde is in the free agents)

    The reason why i wanna make room is because i need more bats

    theres guys like Mark Teahen, Jason Kubel, Pedro Feliz and Kosuke Fukadome on the free agents that i would like to have

    And there is also pitchers like Ricky Nolasco, Wandy Rodriguez, and Gavin Floyd


    3 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Are all these relievers still worth having in fantasy?

    -David Aardsma

    -Chad Qualls

    -Ryan Franklin

    -George Sherrill

    should i drop any of them or keep them all?

    4 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Pitching problem!? HELP!!?

    Who should i get on my fantasy team

    - Ricky Nolasco (Marlins)

    - Wandy Rodriguez (Astros)

    - Ubaldo Jimenez (Rockies)

    - Tommy Hanson (Braves)

    - Gil Meche (Royals)

    Please rank them from best to worse


    2 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Fantasy baseball - ShortStop problem!?!?

    should i drop Stephen Drew and add Ben Zobrist?

    or would Drew turned it around?

    i could also drop Pedro Feliz or Kosuke Fukadome, or Felipe Lopez

    please HELP!!

    3 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Need Advice - Fantasy Baseball?

    I have both Russell Martin and Chris Ianetta on my team, they are both struggling so i wanna trade one of them because i need a middle infielder (2B/SS)

    who do you guys this i should try to get for either one of this catchers??

    thank you!

    2 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Should i drop Johnny Peralta?

    Ok so i have Johnny Peralta at SS

    but he is doing horrible and is really the only position i don't have covered!

    i have Felipe Lopez on my bench so that could be an option and i could pick up maybe Russel Branyan or another position??

    or i have 3 choices i like in Free Agents

    1) Christian Guzman - coming off the DL tomorrow

    2) Edgar Renteria - He had a nice week with 8 RBIs

    3) Alberto Callaspo - He is on fire i think has like a 7 Game hitting streak or around there

    Asdrubal Cabrera and Jason Bartlett are not available

    soooo what do you guys think??

    4 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Dilemma at ShortStop HELP!!?!?

    Ok so i have Johnny Peralta at SS

    but he is doing horrible and is really the only position i don't have covered!

    i have Felipe Lopez on my bench so that could be an option and i could pick up maybe Russel Branyan??

    or i have 3 choices i like in Free Agents

    1) Christian Guzman - coming off the DL tomorrow

    2) Edgar Renteria - He had a nice week with 8 RBIs

    3) Alberto Callaspo - He is on fire i think has like a 7 Game hitting streak or around there

    soooo what do you guys think??

    4 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Who is gonna be a better closer?

    Huston Street has been a total disaster

    so i really need to drop him

    as i was looking at the free agents i saw Fernando Rodney and seems a guy in the league beat me by a second because when i clicked add he was gone and then on another team

    i got really mad!

    so my problem wasn't solved yet!

    i need another closer because that's were im bad at

    Chad Qualls and Mike Gonzalez are my other 2 and they don't seem to be doing as good and then i have Marmol hoping he would get the job soon

    the closers available are

    Carlos Villanueva

    Ryan Franklin (is he gonna close, Dennys Reyes is also there...)

    Joel Hanrahan witch no saves so far...

    and that's it

    notables are

    Scot Shields

    Manny Corpas

    Rafael Soriano

    Brandon Lyon

    please help!!

    6 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • What can i do with Marmol?

    what can i do with Carlos Marmol???

    my team is pretty much set offensively but i only had Chad Qualls and Mike Gonzales as my closer

    and my starters are King Felix, Brandon Webb, Edwin Jackson, Jon Lester, and Mark Buerhle

    what can i get for Marmol???

    3 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Rate my team and help with Chipper Jones?

    Its a h2h league 12 teams

    Categories are R, H, HR, RBI, SB, BB, AVG, W,IP, SV, ERA, WHIP, Ks,

    C - Russel Martin

    1B - Albert Pujols

    2B - Jose Lopez

    3B - Chipper Jones

    SS - Johnny Peralta

    OF - Carlos Lee

    OF - Carl Crawford

    OF - Jermaine Dye

    Util - Joey Votto

    BN - Cameron Maybin

    BN - Travis Hafner

    BN - Felipe Lopez

    BN - Alex Gordon


    SP - Brandon Webb

    SP - Felix Hernandez

    RP - Mike Gonzalez

    RP - Chad Qualls

    P - Jon Lester

    P - Mark Buehrle

    P - Huston Street

    BN - Carlos Marmol

    Also tell me some of the changes i should make

    any opinions, comments, players i should watch

    rookies and all...

    I have Alex Gordon al well so i dont think it has to be another 3B but i really want to trade Chipper for maybe a pitcher

    Here is the rest of my lineup i wanna get maybe a 3B and a starting pitcher, so maybe i trade chipper and someone else help me out!

    4 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Whose better?????????????

    Who is better at 2nd

    Brian Roberts

    Jose Lopez

    Dan uggla

    Give me the order you would put them and who is better for fantasy and why???

    and also in the outfield

    Carlos Beltran

    Alfonso Soriano

    Carl Crawford

    or any other OF you think aare at that level that i could trade for

    3 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Rate my team and help!?

    Rate My team!

    C - Russel Martin

    1B - Albert Pujols

    2B - Jose Lopez

    3B - Chipper Jones

    SS - Johnny Peralta

    OF - Carlos Lee

    OF - Carl Crawford

    OF - Jermaine Dye

    Util - Joey Votto

    BN - Cameron Maybin

    BN - Travis Hafner

    BN - Felipe Lopez

    BN - Alex Gordon


    SP - Brandon Webb

    SP - Felix Hernandez

    RP - Mike Gonzalez

    RP - Chad Qualls

    P - Jon Lester

    P - Mark Buehrle

    P - Huston Street

    BN - Carlos Marmol

    is a h2h league

    12 teams

    R. H , HR, RBIs, SB, BB, AVG

    and pitching IP, W, SV, K, ERA, WHIP

    Also tell me some of the changes i should make and trades i should attemp, any opinions, comments, players i should watch

    rookies and all...and pitchers that you think might susprise

    i feel i need a couple more arms in there

    any ideas of a good 2nd or 3rd starter that would give me good numbers in ERA and Ks that i could trade for or get as a free agent??


    3 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • What do you think about my team?

    Rate My team!

    C - Russel Martin

    1B - Albert Pujols

    2B - Jose Lopez

    3B - Chipper Jones

    SS - Johnny Peralta

    OF - Carlos Lee

    OF - Carl Crawford

    OF - Jermaine Dye

    Util - Joey Votto

    BN - Cameron Maybin

    BN - Travis Hafner

    BN - Felipe Lopez

    BN - Alex Gordon


    SP - Brandon Webb

    SP - Felix Hernandez

    RP - Mike Gonzalez

    RP - Chad Qualls

    P - Jon Lester

    P - Mark Buehrle

    P - Huston Street

    BN - Carlos Marmol

    Also tell me some of the changes i should make

    any opinions, comments, players i should watch

    rookies and all...

    4 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Hey people give me you ps3 ID so we can play online!?!?

    I have

    Call of Duty 4 (i would but 5 as soon as i can)

    Mlb 08 the show

    Need for Speed Prostreet

    Fifa 09

    Madden 09

    Grand theft auto 4

    and some more but those are the ones i play the most

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago