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  • is this an ok gift for a girl?

    hey guys...i've been dating this girl for 3 weeks...we actually started going out 1 week ago. i really do care about her so i'm bothered about the christmas present situation...i would just get my girl whatever was nice and easy but like i said i really am bothered about this girl more than others,,,on our first date we went round the christmas markets and she mentioned that she really liked russian dolls but she only had a keyring someone had got her as a present.....i was thinking of getting her a russian doll for christmas but i dunno if it would be a good gift...they're moderatly £35/$70..(is that too much to spend on someone i've only been going out with a week...i'm not bothered about the cost i just don't wanna weird her out) was only a brief mention and obvs it's not a very practical might just be my guy mind thinking about this that it isn't a very usable present..but whatcha think??? really really would like some advice..she's speical and i want a special gift for her!!....basicaly what i'm saying is for girls does it really matter if a gists practical..or will she be more bothered about the whole sentimental value (somthing us guys don't get at all!!! hah) cheers.

    6 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • gift opinion...girls would be best please...?

    ok....i've been dating this girl for 3 weeks...we actually started going out 1 week ago. i really do care about her so i'm bothered about the christmas present situation...i would just get my girl whatever was nice and easy but like i said i really am bothered about this girl more than others,,,on our first date we went round the christmas markets and she mentioned that she really liked russion dolls but she only had a keyring someone had got her as a present.....i was thinking of getting her a russion doll for christmas but i dunno if it would be a good was only a brief mention and obvs it's not a very practical might just be my guy mind thinking about this that it isn't a very usable present..but whatcha think??? really really would like some advice..she's speical and i want a special gift for her!!....cheers Ben.

    3 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • do women imagine that their fellas don't watch porn?

    question says it they imagine we no longer watch it whe we begin a realtionship? not for a minute saying all guys do...but still.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • don't get me wrong,,,?

    please don't get me wrong i really like the girl i've just started going out with..i think she's really beautiful and has a fantastic personality...yet i still watch porn.. the thing is i'm a boob man and my girl is flat chested..dousn't really bother me and i would never ever ever ever consider cheating on her or anyone for that matter....but i still need to get the odd fix of big boobs from this wrong? i'd appreciate your advice/comments.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • if i make a death night on a wotlk trial will it delete after the trial ends?

    if i get a wrath of the lich king trial and make a death knight will i lose him when the trial ends

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • rare burgers...whats the deal?

    ok...i'm aware that the official stance is that burgers should be cooked all the way through and that it isn't safe to eat them rare...thing is i've been eating my burgers like this all my life and i've never been ill because of it...i mean i'm sure theres bacteria an stuff rocking about in there but is that really that bad? i said i eat burgers rare all the time as do plenty of other people and i can't even remember the last time i was i missing somthing here???

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • why do americans seem to be terrified of alcoholism?

    i might be completely wrong here..but when a question is posted on here concerning alcohol, american answers tend to be mainly lectures about how bad beer is and how much of an alcoholic someone is because they've got a bit **** faced one the whole anti binge drinking thing a big deal over there or somthing?? the way no offence is meant by this, i'm just curious.

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • ok...going to nyc in december...should i bring tobacco with me?

    hi, i'm heading to nyc in dec from manchester, england. i hear that tobacco prices in nyc are huuuge!! is this just for pre rolled cigs or are the prices for hand rolling tobacco expensive?? i pay the equivalent of about $10 for an ounce of tobacco in the uk...also how much tobacco can i take over with me without getting charged?? cheers.

    6 AnswersNew York City1 decade ago
  • what's going on with my weight?

    ok i went on a diet 3 weeks ago....for the past 3 weeks i've significantly cut down my cal/fat/carb (pretty much everything) intake..i used to eat about 2500-3500 cals a day (why i'm fat) i also used to drink around 10-20 pints of beer a week and did hardly any i eat around 1500-1700 cals a day, in the 3 weeks i've only had 2 o 3 pints...also started going swimming twice a teh start of my diet i was 18.7 stone, after 2 weeks i got weighed again and i'd put on 5 ibs!!! then the next week i got weighed again and i was back to my start so far after cutting my calorific intake in half and starting to exercise i've got no where!!! a bit frustating!! anyone know how this can be??? i've not messed up on my diet once

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • looking for harry potter fanfiction with good/powerful dumbledore?

    most fanfics ive read with dumbles eiether have him as a manipulative old man that harry hates or as a bit of a softy...lookin for a good fic where dumbledore is portrayed as good and powerful...


    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • is my homebrew ruined?

    hey, im new to homebrewing and i'm starting off just using beer 1st batch was pretty decent but i completly forgot about my second batch and left it in the second fermentation for like 4 months..hah, i know (what a dick) it completly ruined and should i por it away or is it worth bottling>>??? advice would be great!!! :{D

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • anybody else think Sigmund Freud was full of ****?

    im only 1st year degree sciology but whenever i read about him and his psychoanalysis cronies i just think what a load of ****...

    7 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • what digital camera should i get?

    i would use the camera really for taking pictures at gigs, festivals and nights out...i go to concerts at least once a week so i would get good use out of it ..not a serious photographer but i do love black and white photos....generaly would be for social networking...cheers

    3 AnswersCameras1 decade ago