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Have you seen this in a dodge trans?
.I have a three speed out of a 97 caravan and in the front clutches (which look good by the way) I've got one clutch that has no teeth. I'm pretty sure this disk was in the middle of the pack , I only doubt it because of the condition. It looks like some one did this on purpose. All of the other clutches look like new. I had some metal damage in the rear planatary but none up front. The trans pulled good but only had 1st and reverse. I'm sure this is due to the large amount of trash in the valve body. The trans looks like someone had been in it recently. Have you ever seen this done and why. Or have you seen this as a result of some problem. I would like to here your thoughts especialy on this Dodge man as Im sure youve seen youre share of these. I dont know the history of the vehicle I gave 200 for it and other than this and the usual 3.0 leaks it was in great shape. Even had a new timing belt one tooth of though.
1 AnswerDodge1 decade agoI'd like to know who the ****** is that had my question removed?
8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago