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Lv 2876 points

Little Tiger

Favorite Answers12%
  • Is the Army legend of the Truck at "Building 1" true?

    Legend has it, that every military post has one main flag pole who's truck, or finial (the ball on top) contains one razor, one match, and one bullet. In the event that the base is overthrown, someone is to dig around the base of this flag pole, find the .45 pistol, then climb the flag pole.

    Next they are to use the razor to destroy the flag, the match to burn it, and the bullet to commit suicide to prevent being taken alive.

    I'd like to know... Do you think this is fact or fiction?

    I will post the truth after the question is closed ;-)

    (to keep everyone guessing, only answer "fact" "fiction" "true" "false" etc... please :-D

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Global Warming...?

    How many of you actually believe this bull, and can ANYONE actually provide PROOF, real proof, that it is happening?

    12 AnswersEnvironment1 decade ago
  • Messenger won't let me put Happy New Year as my status message!!!?

    Is any one else having this problem? It lets me type anything else I want... just NOT Happy New Year! Try it yourself and let me know please.

    5 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago
  • Is it just me...?

    or are 99% of the people on Yahoo Answers completely incapable of spelling or using spell check...???

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • The movie ET... I'm doing a report...?

    who were the antagonists, the characters names & the names of the actors who played them... Thanks!!

    11 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • wine & beer = migraines!?

    does anyone else ever get migraines from drinking wine or beer? Seems like just the smell can trigger one for me :(

    9 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Ever heard of loose joints?

    I am 23 years old and as far back as I can remember I have been able to dislocate almost any joint in my body... the easiest are my shoulders. Sometimes my hips, knees & ankles even pop out while I'm running, which forces me to stop from the pain. What is this called, and will it cause me alot of problems down the road?

    5 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago