Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.

Why do workers in fast food restaurants always mess up my order?
Every time I go to fast food places like McDonald’s or Wendy’s, workers there will always mess up my order. They would also sometimes to forget napkins or silverware in the bag too. It is beyond irritating. Do they not take their job seriously? Why can’t they pay attention more?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks agoWhy do I get cold headaches when I eat ice cream fast?
Every time I eat ice cream or a frosty that fast or drink a milkshake fast, I get a severe cold headache. Why is that? Those cold headaches are intolerable too.
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys2 weeks agoWas this girl wrong to block me on Facebook?
This girl who is a friend of my friend was planning an outdoor event with friends of friends and all my friend invited me for her. He told me she knows I am coming so all I did was send her an innocent message and just said something normal like:” hi there, my friend told me about the event and he had said to contact you about it. I was wondering if you would like me to bring anything?” Then not only did she never respond, but she BLOCKED me all together on Facebook. It was very rude. I asked my friend about it and he just told me he didn’t want to get in the middle of it and now I feel awkward even wanting to come to the party now because she blocked me.
Was she wrong here?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys2 weeks agoAre Giant Eagle grocery stores still really planning to eliminate plastic bags?
Before the pandemic, I have heard rumors about grocery store chains such as Giant Eagle eliminating plastic bags all together because of the environment and where everyone will have to bring their own bags from now on. Is this still happening? I know when the pandemic happened; they never followed through with this because they didn’t want people to bring their own bags due to Covid. If this does happen, what are people going to do if they don’t have their own bags and they really need plastic bags? I mean some people save plastic bags for garbage cans and use them a lot so how could they possibly eliminate them?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks agoWhat if we are forced to eat with our masks on?
What if the government makes it an order for everyone to keep their mask on while they are eating then what are we supposed to do? Super glue the masks to our face so they never come off and maybe cut a hole around the mouth so there is room to eat? LOL.
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks agoIs one good thing about wearing a mask is no one will notice stuff on your face?
I been thinking that wearing a mask can have it’s good thing and benefits. One is that no one will notice stuff on my face like if I get ketchup on there or if I have a booger hanging out of my nose. Is that a good thing about wearing a mask is I could get away with having a booger hanging out of my nose and stuff on my face?
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks agoWhat if we are forced to eat with our masks on?
What if the government makes it an order for everyone to keep their mask on while they are eating then what are we supposed to do? Super glue the masks to our face so they never come off and maybe cut a hole around the mouth so there is room to eat? LOL.
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys2 weeks agoHow will you react if you saw a cockroach?
Are cockroaches dangerous insects? If you see a cockroach or even an insect like a stink bug inside your place, would you freak out? Will any of those insects hurt you? Do cockroaches even look like stink bugs or lightning bugs?
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks agoWhy do I get friend requests from fake profiles on Facebook?
Why do I get fake profiles from girls on Facebook who say they are single and ask me to go to a link or ask me to send money to buy them a gift card. I think it’s a real girl but it isn’t usually. Why do I get these and why can’t it be illegal to scam someone when they are messaging you or asking you on a date? Any other dating sites these days I also get fake profiles trying to scam me or catfish me. Can’t this be illegal?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks agoWhy are rich people stuck up if you aren’t perfect?
If you go to a rich person’s house and if you accidentally get even a little piece of food on their floor or even touch their suit, they are extremely mean and would yell saying that is an expensive suit and they are neat freaks. You have to be perfect and neat with them. Even if you use their towel, they expect you to hang it up exactly the way it was and if its bent a little bit , they have a fit and complain. Why is that?
2 AnswersEtiquette2 weeks agoWas it necessary to have a psychologist with a briefcase at my job?
I been working at my job for over 20 years and all of a sudden, my boss told pulled me in the office and had me sit down with Human Resources and there was this guy I didn’t even know who was wearing a suit and a had a briefcase and he introduced himself saying he is a psychologist with mentioning his concerns about my anger management or psychotic behavior but I never had this problem at all and always been a hard worker. I felt so uncomfortable and didn’t know what he was talking about or who he was. He kept sitting with me at my job too and watching me asking lots of questions about why I am doing the job like that and asked me about mental issues which I was not aware of. He even gave me one of those IQ tests and asked me to color in a room with having my use crayons.
Was this necessary to have a psychologist with me at my job? HR and my boss never explained to me about this at all or what the reason for this was. I thought it was weird.
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks agoHave any of you had sex during the pandemic?
I am curious if any of you have been worried about going on dates or making out with someone including having sex during the pandemic. Have any of you did that with not social distancing? Would you say it’s probably more wise to get your Covid vaccines before fooling around with a partner and having sex?
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 weeks agoAre Internet trolls likable?
I am wondering if you like people who troll on the Internet? Are they hated or liked with funny laughter? If someone is a known troll, is that different than being a awful person? Would you ever be interested in meeting a troll in person if they are a troll online?.
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 weeks agoWhat should I have done about this young punk that told me “F” Yahoo! Answers?
I was near a college with young millennials walking by and they were like 20 or 19 years old. They looked like they were young punk jocks or stuck up but I overhead them talking about Facebook and Instagram or some new comment website so I participated with trying to have a conversation with one guy who was that age and said: “I have been using Yahoo! Answers for years and that’s a shame that is shutting down because I grew up on that question and answer site which was my original social media that meant my life.” Then the kid says to my face: “I DON’T CARE. F YAHOO ANSWERS!” He said the F bomb and I was just in shock and didn’t know what to say and didn’t want to get defensive.
What should I have done here? Was he rude to say this?
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 weeks agoDoes anyone think sports radio host Mark Madden is so rude?
Does anyone listen to Mark Madden sports radio host who lives in Pittsburgh or who knows of him that thinks he is rude? Every time someone calls the show or if they are confused or have a question, he talks down to that person and is the most rudest professional person I know. He has not gotten fired either the way he treats people. Why is he allowed to have this job?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 weeks agoWhat happened to Mike Lange?
I don't know if anyone lives in Pittsburgh or at least is a Pens fan who listens to the radio of the Pens game but I have not heard Mike Lange all season doing the play by play radio. Does anyone know what happened to him? Did he retire? Is he ok? Is he still living?
1 AnswerHockey3 weeks agoWill it be a waste if new users sign up for Yahoo! Answers now?
At this point will Yahoo not even allow new users to sign up for Yahoo! Answers? I mean it's going away in 2 weeks anyway so if someone signs up for it in a day in advanced, they won't have much time on there to ask questions anyway or answer them.
Also what if you run out of points or reach your daily limit to ask questions anyway on April 19th and it is the last call of the final day to be able to ask questions and if you have a new one to ask?
1 AnswerYahoo Answers3 weeks agoWhat new question and answer site will people use when Yahoo! Answers shuts down?
Does anyone know a new site that is like Yahoo! Answers to ask questions? I heard about answerbag but not sure if it has the same categories to ask questions and discuss. What do you think will replace Yahoo! Answers that will be just like it to use in replace of this to ask questions to get people’s opinions?
3 AnswersYahoo Answers3 weeks agoWhy did a girl I know delete me on Facebook?
My one friend is friends with this girl and I met her through a friend so I added her a while ago and she had accepted my friend’s request. However, a few months went by and she would put a like on all my status’s and we were always cool, writing on each other’s wall, and she really was cool with me. I never lost touched either. So to my shock, she deleted me on Facebook and I was surprised so I added her back and asked her about why she deleted me and she denied my friends request and even blocked me! What is her problem?! Why did she delete me and go to the extreme to block me? I can understand if she deleted me if we never talked anymore but to delete me when we were getting along really well and the fact she always posted on my wall or liked on my status? It doesn’t make sense.
I will be seeing her on Saturday night so should I ask her about this? What should I say without becoming obsessed over this? I want to get to the bottom of why she both deleted and blocked me on Facebook!
3 AnswersFacebook9 years agoIs it harassment to add someone back on Facebook after they deleted you?
Someone deleted me on Facebook so a day after, I added them back but they denied me again! Why is that? Is it really weird to add someone back after they deny you? Or after they delete you and if you add them back again, is this weird behavior and considered desperate, harassment, stalking, or anything like that?
4 AnswersFacebook9 years ago