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  • Given an Opportunity Would you Help Cure Diabetes?

    Every year in Canada and the US, 10 of thousands are diagnosed with Diabetes. We need to find a cure for this killer disease. I have committed myself to helping raise awareness and money for Diabetes.

    This year I am raising money for Team Diabetes, and I need your help. In January 2008 I am headed to Orlando Florida to run the Goofy event at Disney World. This is a back to back ½ marathon, full marathon. I am doing this to raise awareness and money for Diabetes which is quickly becoming the number one Killer in North America.

    How can you help, please support my efforts by donating 5 – 10 dollars to my campaign. Just follow the link

    Your dollar may be the dollar that finds the cure. If you want to read more about me and my diabetes head to there you will see my money to date. As well as a list of folks who have donated various money to my efforts.


    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago