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natasha *

Favorite Answers12%
  • Where can I Buy Shaped Card?

    I am looking for a card that is shaped like a 4 leaf clover. I want to be able to fold over the 4 'leaves' to make an envelope. This is hard to describe and even harder to find. So any help would be appriciated.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Has anyone got any experience with

    Hi All

    I am going to getting married 22nd May 2010, and I have fallen in love with a dress that is being discontinued in the next couple of weeks. The problem is I have not been able to try it on, and I am frantically trying to find it, so I can make a decision.

    When I was searching for stockist, I came across

    They are dress makers in China, with a UK website. I need feedback from brides who have used this website, but have tried on the real designer dresses, so who know the difference in quality and material?

    The dresses I have tried on feel luxurious and heavy, real quality, and that what would want this to feel like.

    They are selling £1000+ dresses for around £120, also they have the market price on the website as well, and they are around about right.

    The reasons they say that they say they can make it so cheap is that they are copies, of the designer dresses, and that they are in China and don't have shops any where in Europe or USA.

    They say they can get a dress to you in about a 4-6 weeks.

    You know the saying too good to be true? I don't want to spend £120 on my wedding dress to discover that it is absolute rubbish, because £120 is £120 of my hard earned money, and I would rather put that towards a £1000 that makes me feel divine.

    Also they are saying that the weight is only 5kgs, which I don't feel is right, as the dresses I have tried on are much much heavier.

    All answers are appriciated.



    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Do you think YA! should add the option to sort your answers in your profile?

    I would love to be able to sort the questions I have answered into Open, Resolved, In Voting and Best Answer. I love to check up on how my answers are doing, if they are getting thumbs up etc, and read the comments the asker leaves if I am a best answer.

    Who else agrees?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Does anyone by VHS anymore?

    Over the years I have accumulated hundreds of video tapes.

    When I was at uni I went through a phase of buying videos, especially when DVDs first coming out and videos were cheap.

    Now I want to sell most of my videos, but will anyone buy them?

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • How do I find out when someone is due in court?

    I know which court it is, and the parties that are attending, but the court is saying that they will only tell me on the day, not before. This is no good because I want to know before so I can attend as an interested party.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Does any one know a painter called John Baker?

    He was based in the Tonbridge or Kent area, he painted an oil painting in 1989 of 3 girls at the Hilden Manor restaurant/pub. Also his name may not be John.

    I have tried google etc, but to no avil.

    Your help would be much appricitated.

    3 AnswersPainting1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever heard of

    My boyfriend ordered a car with them late Feb, and the delivery time was early- mid April. It kept being pushed back, and today he found out that they have gone into administration.

    Has anyone had any problems like this with other so called car companies? Have we been conned?

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • What is the best online bingo site?

    At the moment I am with Sun Bingo, and I must have won about £200 over 5 weeks. Has anyone got a personal recommendations?

    12 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • Birds' flight?

    I was outside looking at some birds fly. And I started wondering why when they flap their wings up and down they go forwards? Wouldnt they be beating the air under the wings downwards, forcing the bird upwards? Just curious.

    6 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • I want to help a friend...Ideas please!?

    I have a great friend at work, she looks after me, sticks up for me, against the office bully, and she is always there as someone to talk to.

    We are both going through some awful personal issues, but she is never is too busy to listen.

    I want to make her a present, I was thinking I would get a box and cover it with paper. I was going to fill it with 2 big bars of chocolate, a stress ball, a good book, a cd with uplifting music, some bubble bath, some candles and maybe even a teddy, the last one I am debating.

    So the help I need from all you Yahoo Answerers is, can you name some good books, that you would read when you are depressed, that are easy enough, but make you smile, that you can read over and over again, but always give you the warm feeling inside.

    And I need some ideas on music too. I can make the CD that isnt a problem, but I need music you put on when you are sad, or lonley, or you just want to forget the rubbish in your life.

    And any other ideas that....

    15 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I am looking for a man called Matthew Stickles?

    I am looking for an old friend of mine called Matthew Stickles.He is probably about 38 now, about 6ft (ish) dark brown hair and eyes. He looked a bit like Rimmer from Red Dwarf.

    Last known address was Muswell Hill in London, but he may have moved.

    We were good friends, and I miss him!!! If you are him, or know of him, let him know I am looking for him, and that I would love to here from him.

    And for all those weirdos out there who would pretend to be him, I have a few questions to make sure I you are who you say you are.

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • OK I have 2 questions regarding Yahoo!?

    Firstly, Yahoo!Answers said they were sending a present to all us good answers, anyone received it? I havent!!!

    Secondly, did Yahoo mail used to offer a service that would send a text message to your mobile when you received a specific email? Or an email from a specfic address?

    8 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • People Of Oxford! I need your help?

    I need a good romantic restaurant.

    I will be staying at the Milton Hill House Hotel in Oxford in November, the postcode is OX13 6AF.

    I have checked out a few websites etc, but the one I fell in love with was Juliana's Restaurant but at £50 a head excluding drinks, it really isnt an option.

    So people of Oxford let me know what is good, a beautiful romantic setting where I can dress up, and he can wear a suit and it will not cost the earth, or just point me in the direction of some good websites.


    1 AnswerOther - United Kingdom1 decade ago
  • Has anyone heard of or used

    Is it any good? What are the hotels like?

  • Dimples, why do some people have them?

    My best friend used to have 2 dimples, one on each side of her face. Last night I noticed she now only has one.

    Yesterday I was in a meeting with a MD, and noticed he had a dimple too, but it doesnt make him look sweet or cute. It actually looked nasty in his wrinkly face.

    So could some one please tell me how some people have dimples, and others don't? What causes a dimple?

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Dimples, why do some people have them?

    My best friend used to have 2 dimples, one on each side of her face. Last night she now only has one.

    Yesterday I was in a meeting with a MD, and noticed he had a dimple too, but it doesnt make him look sweet or cute. It actually looked nasty in his wrinkly face.

    So could some one please tell me how some people have dimples, and others don't? What causes a dimple?

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Do you think the government woud add fertility drugs to the water?

    We are suffering from what is called an aging population do you think the government would combat this by doing the above? To help ease the finacial burden in the future?

    26 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What is the point of a breadless sandwich?

    Is it just me, is a sandwich not a sandwich without the bread?!?!?!

    22 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Messenger xclusives is being really rude! Normally i type something, and it opens an interactive window....?

    But at them moment, it is just giving me insults! Is this happening to anyone else?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • What time will the sunset?

    I planning a very romantic day on the 17th Feb for my boyfriend, and I need to know what time the sun will set on the 17/02/07 in London.

    6 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago