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  • Pop Ups Problem. I use Firefox, but get Explorer pop ups. why?

    Basically i keep getting the windows explorer pop-ups, but i have the pop up blocker on and don't even use explorer. I will navigate to another page on firefox, and then BAM! I get a pop up from explorer. So what should I do? Not sure how to fix this problem. Thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Internet10 years ago
  • Old Santa Claus Movie help?

    OK, Looking for this movie that is made in either the 70's or 80's. it is a movie basically animated like the old Rudolph. If I remember it correctly, it starts out with this kind of parade, and has an elf.. i think he is an elf, that speaks bird. he whistles bird, and helps raise and teach Santa Claus. its not the move called, Santa Claus is Coming to town. but the style is the same. That is the animation is the same. i just can't find the name and used to watch this when I was a child. any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Kentucky derby temporary employment?

    My friend gave me a website to apply for the tempory serving postions they offer during the Kentucky derby but it doesn't seem to be right. The Churchill Downs website didn't offer what I was looking for either. Does anyone know the website to get into this position? Thanks!

    1 AnswerHorse Racing1 decade ago
  • Japanese wedding phrase question?

    I need to know how to say

    Thank You for Sharing our Special day with us

    In Japanese. I need to see the Kanji so that I can use it in our wedding programs.

    Can anyone help? Thanks!

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Japanese Wedding song?

    I asked this question before, but i didn't get a response that helped. I need to find a japanese song to walk down the Isle to. I need a slower Love song. I want one that sounds nice, not to slow or too fast, or one that sounds, well, blah... I want it to still be pretty. The problem I have is that I find a song that sounds wonderful, then I see what the translation is and it's something that I shouldn't walk down the isle to! LOL So i really could use some help from all you JPOP fans!! Pleases don't give me a website that leads to wear I can buy a CD. I need names if artists and songs so i can sample them and find what I need. Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Get marriage license now, Have ceremony later?

    So I've been reading on getting married and I was curious how this works. I've seen where you get a marriage license, then a certificate. My fiance and I need to get married now, then we planned on having the Ceremony in November. Um, so if we get the license, we are not married, correct? we have to have the ceremony saying that we were married? Is that how it works? I'm confused and need to know what i need to do. I live in Indiana if anyone knows the Indiana laws.

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Wedding Ceremony on a Different date?

    I have a question that I'm very unsure of. Basically my Fiancée and I want to get married now and then have the ceremony in November. Is that a bad thing? I'm not sure yet. We want to get married for insurance purposes.... well basically, i have a tooth that needs fixed, and it's gonna cost a lot of money that we can't afford. I want the tooth fixed before the wedding because I really don't want the Pictures to come back showing my tooth problem forever. But if we get married first, then I can get it fixed and save us nearly 2 grand. This is a big factor considering we are the ones funding the wedding. This was my Fiancées idea and we planned on getting married in November anyway, but I'm not sure. What would you do?

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Japanese nail art help?

    I'm getting married in November and I'm wanting to getmy nails done nicely, but different. i love watching Japanese pop videos where the diva's have their done all exotic with dangles and sparkles, even some with feather! I like those ideas and want to find something like them, but i'm not having any luck and i want to be able to find some pics to take nail artists to see if they can duplicate. Can anyone help me find pics or just a site that will have some? thanks in advance guys!

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Japanese Wedding Song?

    I'm looking for some good slow japanese love songs to walk down the isle to in my wedding, but the songs i have are not slow enough, or about about something other than love. So any help would be awesome! Please help out! Thanks!

    1 AnswerWeddings1 decade ago
  • final fantasy 9 question?

    I need to know where i can buy ether.... All the shops i have come across do not sell it. I need lots of it, but can't seem to find any unless i battle. Does anyone know where i can buy it?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Alcohol injection in Geo Metro?

    Will this work? Will the car blow up if I try this? Advance the timing 5 degrees Methanol injection. Will this increase the MPG or just blow up?

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Washing infants dark Clothes with Light colored clothes?

    I just got a lot of infant and newborn clothing and I need to wash them before my daughter can wear them. Here is my question. Can I wash the darks with the lights? even whites? So far everything is 100% cotton. I have a couple of item that are mixed though. So can I wash them together and not have to worry about the colors bleeding? I don't have many darks, so I hate to have to wash just such a small load. plus the clothes are really cute, and I don't want to ruin any of the lighter colored clothes. Any help would be great! Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Japanese Food - Mochi Balls... Need Help Please!!

    ok, so I'm seeing Mochi balls and they look Absolutely Delicious!! But I have never tried them and want to know what they taste like! Also, I saw these Mochi balls and REALLY want to try them, but I don't know what kind they are or even what they are called. Here is the link to the picture, any help would be greatly appreciated!! Also, if you know one, I would like to have a recipe for homemade mochi balls. If you have a recipe for the picture type as well MARVELOUS!! Also... Before I forget, where can I get them? Can you get them at a Japanese hibachi grill? Or is there somewhere they can be purchased? Other than Japan of course! :) Thanks!

    7 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • That's Amore Italian Lyrics??

    I need to find the song That's Amore in italian. Connie Francis sang this version and i really want the lyrics so that i can sing it at an audtion for this song! If anybody knows a link where i can get the italian version, or even if anyone can just translate it, i dont; now anything would be helpful!

    4 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Baby Surname Question?

    If my boyfriend and I are not married before we have our child, then our baby will take my surname. But after we get married, she will take His surname. How do you go about doing this? Is it expensive, hard to do? Any help would be great. Thanks!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Simple inexpensive Baby Shower Finger Food Ideas?

    Well I'm having a baby shower in June and am having a problem with the Finger Foods.... I've invited almost 40 people and need to find things to feed this amount of people. I need good ideas without Too much expense. Any ideas? The theme is for a girl and going with Tinkerbell. Thanks again!

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Grilling Marinade Question?

    ok, here is the debate. If chicken is marinaded, then, grilled, and while it's grilling, the extra marinade, is inserted into the chicken. Does that mean that the chicken marinade will still give you salmonella? Or is it throughly cooked?

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Japanese Counting, Shi or Yon?

    When counting in Japanese, I know that the number 4 is Shi, but when it comes to fourteen and forty, the name changes to Yon. Does it do this will all numbers about 10 now? meaning, 24, 34, 44, 54, etc... I have a program that is teaching me, but it kinda skips some of those numbers. I just wanna make sure that I am properly saying this.

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Caffeine and Pregnancy?

    I am 6 months pregnant and have been drinking lots of water. But i recently started drinking kool-aid and lemonade, which i have temporarily stopped as I was told it contains caffeine? Do they? But see I've been told that it doesn't contain caffeine, it just contains lots of sugar, and that wasn't too good... but if that's the case, why do they tell me to drink Juicy juice? That has a CRAP ton of sugar in it! So help me out, what's the deal? Should I or shouldn't I drink those? Don't get me wrong I love water, but I like flavor sometimes too! If you know anything that I can drink, let me know that too!

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Baby Shower Parking Issue......?

    I'm having a baby shower On May 31st and I live in A smaller town. The place where I'm at is in between 2 other houses, down an alley, and only has room for 9 cars.... 5 of those spots are already taken up. I am inviting almost 30 different people to come, and some will ride together, but where do I have them park? See, I don't want them to have to park along the road for there is no room... There is a grocery store not far from the house, but then I'm thinking I don't want them to have to walk to my shower. Or I could even chauffeur them to and from the house when they get there or when they leave.... I don't know what to do... The house is big enough for all the people, the parking just doesn't accommodate well... And suggestions? If you have any questions, just email me and i will answer them that way to cause I really need help with this one! Yikes! Thanks so much for your help!

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago