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Just a simple guy, not looking for all the answers. But I certainly enjoy reading some silly questions.
Are Christians really different than say....the Heavens Gaters?
Since all the Born Again Christians are seemingly ready to go to heaven with their Jesus person. Are they any different than the Heaven Gaters who caught the last comet.
Except perhaps to say that the "Gaters" had the courage of their convictions to actually carry out their beliefs. Christians on the other hand can't wait to get to their place of glory, but none of them are willing to take the "Express Train" out of town ....sort-to-speak.
It seems they can't wait to meet their maker, but they are content to hang around for as long as they posssibly can, and cling to life most assuredly.
Please no BS about suicide. I know all that crap already!
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHas prayers in public schools really been taken away?
Why are zealots upset about school prayers. No one has removed their right to pray. Only their supposed right to organize, and require others to bow their heads and pray in mass.
Prayer is between you and your God, why then complain? You may pray all day long in school if that is your desire. No one is stopping any christian from praying. So why all the hoopla?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf Jesus died for the sins of man...?
what about all the people of various regions of the Earth who had no possible way of learning of this for hundreds of years. Did they go to Hell for lack of salvation?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf god created the universe? Why then, ever since, has it required money for him to exist within the church?
The Bible says God created the heavens and the earth. In seven days.
It appears ever since , it has required the use of money in order for him to continue his work.
Money obviously had nothing to do with his original greation. Why then is it so prevelent now?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf Christianity is the one true religion? Why aren't Christians in a hurry to get to heaven?
Religious people are concerned about their mortality. When they are semingly near the END, they plead for more life.
29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago