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Hi, my name is Jared. I generally answer in the Computers category, specifically the Programming section. I'm 15 years old and live in North Carolina. My identical twin brother is another Answerer -- we were both Top Contributors at one point but we left for a few months and lost our badges. His username is Adam in astronomy. While on the computer, I like to program and learn about design. My main programming languages are all web-based or web-related, namely HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, PHP, and ActionScript. I have a light knowledge of other languages. I host a site with a friend called Wurbo, which is home to X-fight 3, an online RPG. My web home is Spogg, a nice little Internet community resembling a town since we all know each other. There, I am KnifeySpooney. Why don't you stop there and take a peek? Outside of the Internet, I enjoy playing basketball and bowling on a team, and doing other sports for fun. Thanks for reading!

  • Concentration of a 500mL solution containing 0.05 mol Ba(OH)_2?

    This is a problem in my chemistry notes which I've been getting the wrong answer. The notes say the answer is 0.3M, but I am getting 0.1M.

    I divided 0.05 mol Ba(OH)_2 by 0.5 L and that is 0.1 mol/L = 0.1 M, correct? Why is this wrong?

    1 AnswerChemistry8 years ago
  • Is it legal to use a rap instrumental in a Youtube rap?

    I'm trying to make a video similar to the Bill Cosby Pokemon Rap. I don't know anything about making beats myself, but let's say I found an instrumental beat by a rapper such as Eminem or Immortal Technique. Is it legal to use their track in a not-for-profit video on Youtube if I added singing from a person like Bill Cosby?

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal10 years ago
  • Where do famous people go to the bathroom in public?

    When famous people are in public, they can't exactly go into bathrooms that are for multiple people because they could be photographed or mugged. There aren't exactly any scandals on the internet about "Found George Clooney in Walmart bathroom!@", so it makes me wonder, how do the famous get away with going to the bathroom without being caught?

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Implanting bacteria on Europa?

    Hi, I was just reading about astronomy a bit and a random question struck me -- what would happen if scientists could develop a bacteria that lives strictly in conditions similar to the water underneath the surface of Europa, one of Jupiter's moons?

    Do you think it is plausible to think that evolution would take place and in effect we have implanted life on another planet? It would be interesting to revisit Europa in a few centuries to see if any new species are still alive. How do you think life would obtain energy?

    1 AnswerBiology1 decade ago
  • Gandhi - good man or bad man?

    I've taken a random interest to Gandhi and his non-violence movement, so I watched some YouTube videos and read articles online about it. His philosophy is sound from what I can gather, but a lot of comments on the YouTube videos are very anti-Gandhi. Is there something more that I haven't learned about him that I should?

    Also, I'm not sure if this video is accurate or a joke - can someone confirm?

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Evolution - addition of genetic code?

    First I'll start off by saying that I "believe" in evolution. This is not a religion question. Evolution has nothing to do with the creation of the universe, so please stay on topic :)

    I understand the basic concepts of evolution, but every once in a while I have a specific scenario where I can't figure out how evolution would work. Here's my example: the first cells only evolved with a small amount of genetic code. How did this code base expand to have the extremely long DNA sequence found in modern organisms today? Is it possible for a mutation such as an insertion of just one "letter" to work to an animal's benefit without giving them a disability?


    4 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Which of these web templates do you like best?

    Hi, I'm trying to make a personal website which contains a personal code portfolio, blog and possibly a forum, along with a contact page. I would like to think that I have a pretty good eye for design, but I can't create my own web design if my life depended on it. So, I'm taking a look at some free web site templates and I can't nail it down to just one.

    The style I am going for is a minimal theme where I can just say what's necessary and not have to type paragraphs upon paragraphs for filler. I'm not a wonderful graphics editor so I prefer a more text-based site.

    Here are the top 3 that I have chosen, in no particular order:

    "Expanding" -

    "DesignHQ" -

    "Enthusiastica" -

    Which one of those three designs are your favorite?

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What is the silent movie with the moon and the worker?

    Hi, I'm having trouble thinking of this really awesome online mini-movie that I watched maybe a year ago. It's hard to describe, but it was in 3D and it was completely silent. There was this midget worker with his thug-like apprentice who did heavy lifting for him. They were in space on a moon. For most of the movie they are working on fixing something, then at the end, they get the contraption working and it pulls the sun into the sky.

    It was really awesome but I can't for the life of me find it on Google. Anybody else remember this movie?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • What is the origin of "He went that way!"?

    I hear this common phrase very often but have never known where it came from. Does anybody know where the quote "He went that way!" came from?

    1 AnswerQuotations1 decade ago
  • New 120GB PS3 - Does it still allow Linux?

    I'm thinking about saving up for a PS3 for Christmas. I choose a PS3 because it has great games, it's NOT Microsoft, and it allows you to load your own operating system on it.

    I took a look at the Playstation website, and there's an 80GB PS3 for $299, and a 120GB "NEW" PS3 for $299 also. I looked through the system comparison and both of the systems seem at least the same, if not the 120GB model was better. Isn't the obvious option just to buy the 120GB model? Why would someone choose an 80GB model for the same exact price?

    My main concern is that they might have updated the firmware on the PS3 to not allow you to load a foreign OS such as Ubuntu. Would I still be able to boot Ubuntu on a New 120GB PS3?



    4 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago
  • How do I check how many days I have left in ESET Smart Security?

    I downloaded the trial, and I just wanted to check how many more days I had left before I need to pay.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Use Bluetooth to connect phone with computer?

    I'm going to get a phone in a few days (Samsung Eternity) that is Bluetooth capable. I don't really know what Bluetooth is, except for the fact that it can transfer files with things like your phone. According to that fact, is it possible to host a bluetooth session between your computer and phone directly?

    What I mean is, can you send a song from your computer to your phone through bluetooth? That'd be sweet ;)



    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Does the Samsung Eternity need a screen protector?

    I'm getting a Samsung Eternity for Christmas, and I was just wondering, is it necessary to get a screen protector for it, or are they durable enough not to get scratches?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Blackberry Storm - What does it cost to use it?

    I'm thinking about getting a Blackberry Storm for Christmas, but I was wondering how much it costs to use it (not buy it!).

    Do you have to pay to use the internet, VZNavigator, etc? Or do these features come for free without a monthly subscription?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Does WPA2 encryption work with the XBox 360 Wireless Network Adapter?

    I am thinking about getting an XBox360 and I have done some research about connecting to Live. I need to connect my XBox to my router with the 360 wireless network adapter. My router uses WPA2 encryption, so I was wondering, does the XBox wireless adapter work with WPA2?

    I have read a few articles on it not being compatible, but they were old, like from 2005.

    Does anybody know more details? Have you gotten to connect with WPA2?

    3 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Help with creating elements - JavaScript?

    I'm writing a userscript for Greasemonkey ( ) and I need to do this with JavaScript:

    - Replace <img> with <a><img></a>

    So basically I want to take the image tag and make it a link. How can I do this using JavaScript? I've tried things like removeElement, insertBefore but nothing seems to work across different pages.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Is bandwidth wasted from a website when a user's browser has cached the images?

    If a user has the images on a website cached, does the site use less bandwidth?

    8 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Is there a such thing as a wireless router?

    I am just curious, is there a device that works exactly the same as a router (because it is one), except it doesn't connect to the ethernet port with a cable?

    What I mean is, you plug in a wireless antenna into the socket in the wall, and then you put your router anywhere you want at your computer without the wire in the way. Then you can set up a Local Access Network, right?

    I don't mean a wireless card that connects a client computer to the host router, but a host router that connects to a wireless receiver in the socket in the wall.

    Has anybody used one?

    7 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • How to connect two computers wirelessly on Ubuntu?

    I have three computers on a local access network (LAN). One has the router (computer A), and the other two have usb adapters to connect (computers B and C).

    How can I connect computer B to computer C via the router?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Where can I report a bug on Yahoo! Answers?

    I noticed a bug when I got a best answer, it said that the other questions count was -1. I can't find where to report bugs, only a place to give suggestions. Is there a better place?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago