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I run my own business on the South Coast of England. I am a qualified Level 3 Nursery Nurse, OFSTED registered Childminder, and Professional, registered Nanny.

  • Possibility of pregnancy?


    I've currently been on the rivedgon pill for 3 or so months now.

    Over christmas, I delayed my period by taking an additional week of pills.

    I then started my period. During this time me and my long term partner had sex, but the condom broke. He had "finished" before we realised.

    I finished my period 2 days later, and took my pill a day earlier than my normal "new pack" day.

    This was two weeks ago or so now, and was wondering of course there is a chance as we had sexual contact- but is it very likely that I could be pregnant?

    Thank you in advance any additional information welcome.

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • Why won't my car start?

    My boyfriend has a peugeot 206 2005 (second hand from a dealer).

    Recently, we tried to start the car and it just wouldn't start.

    The engine made a splutter sound but now it's got nothing. We took the battery out and charged it but that doesn't seem to have made a difference.

    Furthermore, the passenger footwell is absolutely soaked for some reason!

    We drove the car on a two 45 minuet trips and two smaller 10-15 minuet trips and it seemed fine but now suddenly won't do anything.

    Advice please!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Burning sensation in vagina?

    Hi guys I really need your help!

    I have a burning sensation in my vagina which hurts when I pee and after too. I have he urge to pee regularly but not a lot comes out.

    In the past I've been treated for re-occurring cystitis to the point of hospital admission but could this be the case or is this something different?

    I'm only with one partner and we were both virgins before, we have only been with one another so cannot be a sexual infection.

    I have a bit of lower back ache and a pain what feels like below my tummy but that is the only symptoms showing

    Discharge is average and the same

    What do you believe his could be from experience or general knowing.

    I shall visit my doctor but would like female opinions :)

    Thank you

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Jealous of boyfriend working alongside another girl!?

    I'm 19 years old and my boyfriend is 21. We've been Ina relationship for almost 2 years despite living 25 miles apart. We see each other 5 times a week also.

    As part of his university course he has to go on a placement to work with children and coach them sports. On this placement it is just him and one other girl from his course and that is it as students (where as others have been paired in groups)

    Naturally, as most girlfriends I'm a little bit worried and she is the stereotypical toned, blonde, tall, beautiful creature!!

    Is it bad that I'm jealous and not worried, but concerned he's going to be spending so much time with her - although professional!! The oak event is for a year, one hour a week- sometimes more depending on Rotas.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How much would this loan cost in full?

    Please note, I'm not thinking of doing this- it is simply out of interest.

    While watching TV this morning I saw a loan advert. This advert was for loans - borrowing a small amount of money (say £400:00) and then repaying it back at a APR 1737%. Therefore, if for example I was to borrow £400:00, and pay it back over 4 months- how much interest/total "am I paying".

    It seems this seems to be the way most people get MOREA into debt that saved!!

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • Is this a form of OCD? What can I do!? Help**?

    I have the compulsive need to be incredibly organised to the point it's almost consuming.

    I have to plan each day, a week ahead - sometimes more and all down to the lsmallest detail like - when I'm gonna meet up with my boyfriend, what household jobs need to be done and what I'm going to do at work that day (nanny).

    I write everything out on a ridiculously long list (which sometimes I rewrite 3,4,5 times if its not neat enough!) and stick it to my wall. I then live by this and if anything is changed or altered I can't cope, it stresses me out and I literally want to have a break down hissy fit!?

    I can't cope when my room is untidy too and it will literally stress me out to the point of avoiding it for the whole day before blitzing it before bed.

    Everything is so stressful and I can't seem to break this habit which has been developing and getting worse over the last 7 or so months.

    What can I do about and what do you think it is!?!?

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Would you consider this over weight?

    I'm 5ft 1"

    I'm just under 10 stone

    I fit in size10 trousers and Tops

    I'm a size 38C bra size

    I have a natural curvy shape, my thighs are "thick".

    Would you consider this overweight?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How to combat stress?

    I'm feeling slightly stressed and wondered how to tackle it so I felt easy and much more relaxed about everything again.

    The issues:

    I struggle with change and have a slight issue of writing lists and schedules and struggling if they change (trades I've been told of OCD).

    I'm a Child's Nanny and I am losing one of my families due to their youngest starting school and gaining a new family of 3 boys which is stressing me a bit.

    But, on top of that I'm starting a new course in evening college in maths - a subject I'm not very comfortable with.

    And, my boyfriend goes back to (local) university so I will go back to only seeing him 3 times a week type thing.


    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • What disorder is this a sign of?

    I was wondering if people were able to advice me on what medical/mental disorder my behaviour has characteristics of:

    I have the constant need to be organised, know what is going on down to the last minuet of every day. I will often create long lists and organise my diary and Calendar - and will rewrite them if they look messy. Sometimes this can take me up to 2+ hours ... So, as you can see it is a obsession and I get very stressed if the plans alter even slightly!

    Things have to look tidy- the dinner on my dinner plate has to look "tidy" or presentable and when I set out an activity for the children the paper has to be in a pile, pens laid out nicely etc.

    I really worry about my actions and how they can hurt people - often my direct family (mum, dad) or ,y or my other half. I worry about how I treat them, if I upset them or things of a similar nature.

    I obsess about how other people see my weight, I ask my long term boyfriend "do my legs look like hers" when I see a woman on the street, "is my hair that long?", "am I bigger or smaller than her?".

    I had a germ phobia to, I would wash my hands and wouldn't drink from the same cup as others but this has calmed down. Along with the fear of choking (which interfered with my life for a while- I would chew food until mush and struggle to eat meat) and when I was much younger (5-8 years old) I used to worry about coming into contact with germs and often mutter silent words under my breath (always the same sentence according to my mum) which apparently I believed would mean I wouldn't become 'contaminated'

    I've looked into OCD but I don't have the only thing which makes me believe I don't have this (even on a mild scale) is that I don't have the obsession of checking the light switch or, going through a ritual before leaving the house etc. Our bedroom is often a muddle sometimes too- and when it becomes a mess I do get stressed and have to organise it all back- but unlike what I've read on OCD I CAN handle mess for a while, something people with OCD apparently struggle with full stop.

    All comments and advice welcome, thank you in advance.

    Ps- I'm 19, female.

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Holiday to Egypt! Advice on packing and traditions..?

    I'm going to Egypt for two weeks as of Monday to hurgarda.

    It's the first time I've traveled without the help of my mum packing my suitcase and checking I'm doing everything okay, as mothers do!

    I was wondering any travel advice (totally general) Egypt sespific or not.

    What have you learnt from your travels?

    Good things to pack?

    Egypt customs to consider etc..

    Etc ..


    1 AnswerEgypt8 years ago
  • What's the likely-hood of having a "red head" baby?

    Just a general question really when me and my other half were discussing family planning-

    His mum, auntie, cousin and grandfather are "gingers" he also has fair, freckle like skin and his sister has strawberry blonde hair- his brother however is dark haired, 'normal' skin tone.

    Therefore, roughly what is the probability that we could have a little red head of our own?

    Thank you for your time!!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Travel in London; victoria coach to kings cross!?

    How do I get from victoria coach station, London to kings cross station?

    As much detail as possible would be good, London Virgin!

    I'm staying in late June in the "kings cross royal scot hotel" on kings cross road.

    8 AnswersLondon8 years ago
  • Clubbing question....?

    Me and my friends (18/19 years old) live about 20 minuets away from the local clubbing area in our area. It costs about 30-35 quid one way taxi there.

    My girls aren't in relationships, have extended stay at college, have waitressing weekend style jobs, not all drive and often moan about me not going out, they go out 2-4 times a week...

    I'm almost 19 and have been out to town about 3 times, I enjoy it- I do- but i find it a waste of money, I have my own successful childcare business, I drive and I'm in a long term relationship.

    Is there something strange with me? Am I leading an abnormal teenager lifestyle?

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • *********!!!! making Lasagna!! Mince question!! ******?

    I want to cook the mince now with onion and grated carrot and then put it in the fridge to cool for about 2-3 hours, then cook it in a lasagne- is this okay?!

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • What's your view on curvy woman?

    What is your views and attitude to curvy woman such as these:

    Number 1 -

    Number 2-

    Number 3-

    Do you find them attractive, or would you prefer yourself/a woman with a body shape similar to Megan fox or selena Gomez?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Contraceptive pill question!!?

    Me and my boyfriend have been in a relationship for over a year, and a physical relationship for 10 months or so.

    I've had the contraceptive implant but this had to be removed 6 months later after making me seriously ill. We just trusted condoms for a few months and I've been on the contraceptive patch. However, I don't feel it's the best contraception for me simply because I'm very active and the sweat seems to make it fall off.

    I would like to go on the pill, but my mother is very anti against it! I'm 18 years old and still live at home. She thinks ill forget it and doesn't trust me to take it... What can I do to convince her to allow me to take this!?

    Furthermore, I've got a doctors appointment on my own for the 15th April.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • How can I lose 2-4 pounds in a week?

    I'm 5ft 1", 18 years old, a size UK 10, a bra size 36B, 9 stone 2.

    I would like to lose 2-4 pounds in 7-10 days?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • *****Am I overweight? PLEASE HELP!!!*******?

    I'm an 18 year old female who is 5ft 1"

    I weigh 9 stone 2 pound and have an hourglass figure.

    My average top size is 10, along with my bottom sizing too.

    I am a size 36B.

    I'd like to get down to about 8 and a half stone in 5-6 weeks!

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Period question! Is this normal?

    I recently have started the contraceptive patch (for those who don't know it is three weeks on the patch and one week off - and this is when you get your period- rather like the pill)

    I'm currently on the fourth week and the period pain I'm having is so intense!

    I've got cramps all through my stomach, down to my groin, around the top of my thighs and cramping around my bottom too!?

    I want to eat everything yet when I go to eat something I feel so sick I don't want it anymore.

    It's making me so tired and my moods are awful!

    Now, this isn't normal for me- normally they are fairly light with the occasional pitch for a pain.

    Is is anything to worry about? Or is it just the effect of the patch?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Why can't I choose best answer on ipad!?

    Whenever I click the best answer button on my ipad it doesn't respond...

    Help please!

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago