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Can Dependent & Disables Getting Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance(RSDI) Still Their Loose Benefits, IF Too Much in Bank?
What I'm asking is can a Dependent, Survivors & Disables Getting Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance(RSDI) still loose their Medicare and Medicaid(call Medical in California)?
-Well at some point?-IF they have too much in their bank account and Social Security find out?-Mainly not spending enough of it?
-Even when there is no limits like SSI, which is 2000.00 max or below it?-IF it do happen, the person would have go reapply for everything again right even the money part. Not just the Medicare & Medicaid(call Medical in California) benefits?
-That would be a pain in the butt for the person that need it, and people helping the person(siblings, close relative(s) family member(s))?
-Could there be new rules/laws passed on this. No just from SSA or House or Senate, maybe the President even. On something like this in the future. Best to take ofit now?
-Is it best to just limit it like one is still getting SSI or more is ok, like say 5000.00, 7000.00, 9500.00, even 16000.00 or 2800.00 ok?
I know some of you going to say go ask Social Security or your Family Will lawyer that also specialize in Special Needs Trust. But that not what I want. I just want to know where on the web there info on it. It looks like if there any on the web, it bury deep and hard to find it.
Just like certain rules on how to do something(s) on a website or forum. Beside just websites to read and learn about it. IF anyone know anything go right ahead post it.
Other - Politics & Government3 weeks agoHow Should People, Who Live Alone Deal With The COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects?
Just asking for people that do live alone, and has no roommate or is living with any siblings, etc.....
Should they do things that they normally would do(go for a walk, cook, exercise, lift some what heavy stuff when needed, exercise, go grocery shopping, go window shopping, exercise, etc...?
Should they take a over counter pain relieve medication like Ibuprofen. If they feel a headache or it coming?
Really how should people, that live alone really go about their day with the COVID-19 Vaccine side effects happening? MAYBE call one their siblings that lives in another part of the city or next door country to come over for moral and emotional support. IF there is a relative that live near by go over there support and hang out?
How to tell it just the COVID-19 vaccine side affects and not some other health problem, or something else similar? Also that it a health problem from the Covid-19 side effect or the vaccine itself? So they don't worry themselves off, since they are by themselves. With no one else to talk to, get support or help if there is a problem(like go with to the doctor, or just do a drop in).
17 AnswersInfectious Diseases4 weeks agoCan People Do Things Even With The COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Happening.?
Can people do things like take a walk, go grocery shopping, go window shopping at the mall, do house work like cook, clean an area of a room, exercise, etc…
What should NOT be a side affect or anything kind of problem(s) from COVID vaccine? Also how should notice it or t tell themselves?
When does the COVID-19 side affects take affect?
How long does any of the the side affects really last? How to know it should not last more then this amount time? Could there be problem?
Can a person have more then one of the side affects? When one is more then enough.
IF no side affect(s) from the COVID-19 vaccine for a person is that a bad thing?
How to tell it just the COVID-19 vaccine side affects and not some other health problem, or something else similar?
2 AnswersInfectious Diseases4 weeks agoDoes Generalized Anxiety Disorder Make A Person Selfish And Only Care About Themselves, And Not Others?
When it comes to problem(s) or over worrying about stuff, does it make the person sound like or act like it all about me? You got to help me?
Do others like siblings, close friends, close relatives, etc… that see it from the outside, the person is laughing at them you sucker, I’m going to suck you dry, etc… Is that how they see a person with the Generalized Anxiety Disorder? Even when the one with GAD don’t think that way or say stuff. Do they see as, but your action shows it.
Is more of how a person’s behavior is? That has nothing to do with whether the person has Generalized Anxiety Disorder or not?
1 AnswerMental Health1 month agoIs It Bad Or Good To Have Two Different Therapist?
So it bad or good to have two different therapist in mental health for person? Even when they don't work in the same place. Like one is for the City and Country System(where Medicare or Medical pays for it) one might be private ?
3 AnswersMental Health2 months agoDo Dependent, Survivors And Disables Getting Social Security Have to Limit Their bank account to 2000.00 or less, like SSI?
Anyone know if the Social Security has a section on their official site that talks about, explain does a disable who is now getting no more SSI. But is still getting Medicare and Medical benefits, and getting Social Security each month Still have to limit their account, like people getting only SSI?
Because from what I know is that I'm consider a Dependent, Survivors And Disable. After my dad passed some time last year they sent me letter say my SSI is 0.00 and the reason how it got there. Also now there more on Social Security. The letter head even say Retirement, Survivors, Disability Benefits. Before my dad passed away I was getting a share of his Social Security and SSI, for so many years. With help from my very first Therapist
So where can I find information on their site Do I have to limit my account to 2000.00 or under, like someone fully getting SSI only. So that I will not one day, lose my Disability Benefits and payment is stopped till spend some of the money?
2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government3 months agoAnyone Know What Song Or Score Is At The Start of Hard Target Trailer?
It only 2 or 3 seconds long at the start of the trailer. It starts like towards the end of 0:04 and ends in the middle of 0:07.
I want to know what it the name of it and may be find it on youtube. Then might covert to mp3 and make an notification/Alert sound for my phone or upload it to ringtone wallpaper sites.
Polls & Surveys3 months agoWhat Are Ways To Stop Yourself from having the last words in conversations?
I'm just wondering what are ways to know that it is consider having the last words in a conversation?
I don't care for having the last words at all. But when there are still a little story behind it or facts to it. I would say it.
When is that still consider having the last words? Just don't say it, even it is the fact(s) or the story behind it. It not the conversation still going on?
What are ways to just not say it, so the other person/people don't say you got to have the last words? So that both sides be happier. So no one quite and not really saying much or not happy when saying other stuff?
What to look for in any conversation and not say it, even when they are true? Just leave it out, let it go?
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships3 months agoIs Store Made/Brought Corn Bread Unhealthy ?
8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink4 months agoCan Childhood Bullying Cause Generalized Anxiety Disorder In Adulthood?
What I'm asking is can a person get GAD in school bullying(like middle school), as a kid. Maybe it still does show up or a little through out high school. But one it is not aware of it. Later on say in their 20s to early 30s they kind of know it, like not wanting to go get a student job, what a lot of what IF this. That it might be time find a Mental Health Therapist and go from there.
I already been diagnose GAD for long time, was just can it happen from childhood school bullying, and show up way later in life. Like in adulthood and it affect this or that.
3 AnswersMental Health4 months agoHow Do Some People Keep Their Eyes From Really Changing Much For Say 10 or 15 Years?
How do some people keep their eyes from changing too much. It like maybe the last three or four times of going to the optometrist. That he or she can IF they want new pair of glasses, or current pair will still do fine. If the person do get a new pair, and at some point something wrong with it, or a screw fell off. That the last two or three pair will still work. Since not really much changes to the eye on the current check up.
How come others might not be that lucky, each time there are some changes to the eye. That a new pair of glasses is need. Hope as time go nothing goes wrong and have to go back to a old pair, like one of the last two. That difference will be notice.
By the way age does not matter, because some will not have really much changes at all to the eyes say at 37, 45, 47, 52 or 69. Will others at the same age can each time to the optometrist, even a little that makes a difference.
1 AnswerOptical4 months agoWhat Is Dec.26-30 or 31 Really Consider, When It Still The Holidays?
Christmas is over, is looks like on the commercial side there NO more Christmas movies on TV anymore, like It A Wonderful Life, White Christmas, Home Alone 2: Lost In New York, Santa Clause 2, etc... There also no Christmas theme special on TV, no play Christmas music anywhere. Is it back to regular music already that we hear year round? IF there are any thing special on TV, this part of the year it like stuff that can be shown at any time of the year.
There doesn't seem to be anything this part of the year, even when the 12 Days of Christmas has not end yet. Stores are having year end sales starting Dec. 26, Costco all Christmas not sold are gone, unlike Target, Macy's, Michael's, Disney Store, JcPenny, etc...
2 AnswersChristmas4 months agoWhich Day Do Most People Do The Christmas Dinner?
What is the day most do the Christmas dinner?
Is it Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
How did it come to one of the days?
That most people just do it on that day when it Christmas?
What was the original day most people had the Christmas Dinner, when Christmas was celebrated ?
3 AnswersChristmas4 months agoAre Some People Just Stupid Or Smart, With So Many Questions On The COVID Vaccine?
Like these questions they might have about or wonder about?
Is it just bad IF I don’t go for the vaccine?
Are there any side affects?
IF there are side affects, is it worth it just to go for the vaccine at all?
People with health problem(s), can they go for the vaccine?
Should or can anyone taking any kind of medication go for the vaccine?
How does it affect each individual personal vs. most people going to feel the same thing?
How will a person feel after getting the vaccine three days later to two weeks later and beyond?
Does the vaccine stop people from transmitting COVID-19 virus to others for good or how ever long it wears off?
What would happen IF I don’t go for the second doze, or wait way longer to go for it?
Will the vaccine cost any money, IF Yes, then how much out of one’s pocket?
What insurances will or will not cover the vaccine?
There will be/are people of a segment of this society, will say people who wonder or need to know is the vaccine really safe is the side effects worth it just to go for it. They would say those people need to just go jump off the cliff or shoot themselves in the head. That way it save others and the world a lot of problems and headache.
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 months agoWhen Do People Just Have To Throw Everything Away Forget About Keeping It For Memories, Like Family Stuff?
When I say like family stuff, there comes a time everyone has to that kind of cleaning.
Do they throw every family photo away even through the person still around alive( like say elementary school grad photos, middle school grad photos, photos of a family member that a member of so many benevolent association and the amount of photos, family outs trips etc....) Other stuff like bank and investment statements( just to know a little bid of what was invested in), other stuff like notes or certain hospital reports and what ever else. I can list more stuff, like stuff brought over the years(clothes, jewelry, all kinds of minor stuff from trips(like flyers key card), etc...) You get the idea.
So how do you see, view this and how would you go about it. Would you throw what looks like 100% everything. Would you even keep a little around, that not really a lot?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys5 months agoWhat Should People Do, Well Those That Have Been Living A lone For A long On This New Round Of Lock Down?
With this new rounds of lock down, what should people do? Well those that have been living along for a long time(with or with no Mental Health/Mental Illness). Don't about other states do they have a new round of lock down, like say New York, Washington, Florida, Nevada, Texas, Massachusetts, etc... But that what happing here in California, with the spike on COVID-19 and low ICU beds in some cities.
Just stay home and be bored when one does not feel like reading a book, certain hours nothing interesting to watch on TV. NO going window or Christmas shopping at the mall or other stores. At best just go walk around your neighborhood for 40 min to little more then an hour or sit in from of the computer for say 3-5 hours.
Polls & Surveys5 months agoHow To Update Any Information On An Old Safeway Club Card?
So how does one update any information to the Safeway Club Card? Since the card is an old one. From some time in late mid 90s or early late 90s, when Albertson use to own Lucky's that era. Back than no one had an online account or checked on club reward stuff online, in the early years of the Internet. So the Club Card never had online account.
So how does one update the Safeway Club Card info, say like to different family member's name. Without getting having to get a new one just updating it online. No one wants yo have to Club Cards with the same email address. Stores might not allow that.
Can't find the link to on their site to update information. They might have updated the site, but it got to be there somewhere.
It should be like what this link shows or at least new version on the Safeway site.
Do I have to MAYBE just set up an account with the current information then change it to the new information I want?
Polls & Surveys5 months agoIs It Because Of Black Lives Matters, And What Happening To Hispanics, That Biden Had To Pick Kamala Harris?
For Biden picking someone like Kamala Harris, was that the only way to win the 2020 presidential election? Because of the Black Lives Matter issue(s) and what been happening to Hispanics? Also that she look more African American on the outside, then she is also like Asian Indian.
IF Joe Biden had pick someone else as his VP, say Raja Krishnamoorthi, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, Mazie Hirono, Tulsi Gabbard or Judy Chu. Would that have been a suicide, as in he would have easily lost to Trump. Because People for Black Lives Matters would not have been happy at all. Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Pacific Islanders, Asian Indian, etc... in American there issues are not that big or can even gain any steam.
It would be like the 2020 presidential election has no good choices to pick. Even when Biden might be a little better then Trump. It would have gone back to what Meghan McCain said in 2016, "The lesser of two evil." when voting.
So what are everyone's views, opinion and maybe understanding of this.
3 AnswersPolitics6 months agoWhy Stores Close Early And Public Transportation Are Like Weekend/Holiday Schedule During Covid-19?
As stores and malls open back up in anyone's cities and counties, why the hours are like any Sundays of the year for weekdays and Sundays even earlier then it use to be? Say Sunday still 7pm or only a half hour earlier, weekdays just an hour earlier or half hour earlier from it regular hours.
Public Transportation is the weekend/holiday hours of how fast one comes at any stops. Unless it one of those the one that use a lot. Also why in some or most cities certain lines are not in use for the time being, that goes to certain part of a neighborhood.
All of you might have this happen in your city, whether it Los Angeles, Orlando, New York, Seattle, Brooklyn, San Diego, Dallas, Miami, etc..... The how it is here in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Is it stores/malls and elected officials don't want people to be out too long. More of have to watch their time and not linger. You don't have enough time, you just don't. All because of Covd-19?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys6 months agoWhy Stores Close Early And Public Transportation Are Like Weekend/Holiday Schedule During Covid-19?
As stores and malls open back up in anyone's cities and counties, why the hours are like any Sundays of the year for weekdays and Sundays even earlier then it use to be? Say Sunday still 7pm or only a half hour earlier, weekdays just an hour earlier or half hour earlier from it regular hours.
Public Transportation is the weekend/holiday hours of how fast one comes at any stops. Unless it one of those the one that use a lot. Also why in some or most cities certain lines are not in use, that goes to certain part of a neighborhood.
All of you might have this happen in your city, whether it Los Angeles, Orlando, New York, Seattle, Brooklyn, San Diego, Dallas, Miami, etc..... The how it is here in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Is it stores/malls and elected officials don't want people to be out too long. More of have to watch their time and not linger. All because of Covd-19?
5 AnswersEtiquette6 months ago