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  • For someone who has bought a Ferrari new from one of their dealerships, are the rumors true?

    So I've heard rumors that buying a new Ferrari is difficult because they will deny you for many things. If it was something like buying LaFerrari from them, that's understandable, it's limited production but I'm more curious about cars like the F8 Tributo or the SF90 Stradale. I'm sure some stories are exaggerated and some are possibly true like Ferrari requiring you to keep your car for a while before selling but how true are the other rumors? Like ones saying you cannot also own a Lamborghini, or that if you're under a certain age they won't sell you one?

    For anyone confused I'm talking about buying DIRECTLY from Ferrari (since some people don't like to pay attention) not from a different dealer, not directly from another owner. Brand new, from Ferrari themselves How much of these stories are actually true and how much is just gossip passed down the grapevine because people want something to talk about?

    4 AnswersOther - Car Makes3 months ago
  • Is it morally wrong not to share food you bought with a family member?

    My mother has a habit of berating me whenever I buy something for myself and don't share (she even called me fat for it today). Funny thing is, she absolutely NEVER shares, ever. She seems to think she's completely exempt from this moral dilemma. So what are your thoughts. You have a craving for something, you run to the store, spend your own money on it to enjoy it. Is it wrong to not go seeking someone out to give them a portion? 

    5 AnswersFamily3 months ago
  • I need a land lord's opinion, would you accept a tenant with bad credit if they prepaid their lease in full and showed proof of funds?

    So I'm trying to get away from my parents, quietly. My parents take a very authoritative stance on my life and it's very toxic to me mentally and socially. I have very bad credit (sub 500) unfortunately due to a large amount of medical bills I incurred before I was even 18 and also due to an overall limited credit history. 

    I don't want to cosign with my parents as that would completely defeat the purpose but thankfully I've come into some fortune that I could easily prepay a 1 year lease many times over. I know that sounds unlikely but just go with it for the sake of the question, my case is an unusual one. 

    Yes I could just buy a house, which I plan to do but I want to move across the country and I need to move out first. It'd be easier having a place to easily transport all my belongings to before making the big move so I can have time to move back and forth by myself 

    What would be your thoughts on this? A guy comes to you, looking to rent, has bad credit but gives you bank statements showing he has money and offers to pay the entirety of his lease right then and there. Would you accept? 

    17 AnswersRenting & Real Estate4 months ago
  • Why is there no surgery for increasing the erect length of the penis?

    We can do surgery on the brain, the eyes, and the heart but not lengthen a bunch of tubes?

    2 AnswersMen's Health12 months ago
  • How is the dating profile bio?

    Keep in mind I'm 21, this bio isn't meant for 35 year old women 

    "You ever try to sleep while on cocaine, freak out from trying to be still and end up punching a hole in your wall? Me neither 

    Calm and gentle guy with a nice voice

    Yeah I'm DTF

    D- Down

    T- To

    F- FLovecherishandrespectyou

    Let's start off as friends and see where we end up

    My friend read my bio. Told me this **** is boring. It needs more ****. So here's a dinosaur for that ***** 🦕

    Just moved to *redacted*, who's tryna show me around? (Or just binge tv. I got Hulu, Netflix and Disney+)"

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Is this bio okay for a dating site?

    "I see you're wearing make-up. Is that cuz you think you're ugly? Cuz you're not. You could be going au naturale if you wanted to

    Calm and gentle guy with a nice voice

    I like starting off as friends and then moving forward naturally

    Just moved to *redacted*, would love to have someone show me around"

    My friend told me she thought the first part was a little corny but not too bad, other than that nothing wrong but I want other opinions. Trying to figure out if it's my bio or my face that's causing me to get no likes. I thought my bio hits all the major points, tries to be light and humorous, gives some details about myself without being long winded, states my intentions, and gives relevant info to talk about. What do you think? 

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago