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Favorite Answers16%
  • The journalistic Black and White divide?

    So I'm watching CNN a few days ago and, the anchor previews an upcoming segment called "Blacks in America part 2, how the recession is affecting them". After that, they go on to a lengthy segment about how Blacks and Whites (CNN's wording, not mine) felt their children would fare when they grow up.

    In a world where we are all meant to be getting along, where the lynchings and unfair trials of minorities are in the past, where the KKK is simply not tolerated, why is it that a major news channel (and others I might add) are seemingly trying to create that divide once more? Why must it be black and white? Why not pose the question of how the Recession is affecting men and women?

    To me, this kind of journalism is just not necessary........thoughts would be good.


    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Lost data on Jump Drive?


    My friend put her jump drive into her Vista PC and it stated it needed to install a new driver. She said OK to that and now, all of her data is lost. It's almost as if Vista quick-formatted the drive. I have tried several data recovery utilities and found some of the files but, they all show up at 1,440kb. I did try another utility and it showed up a lot more of them and, they were at the correct size but, the full version is over $200 to buy!!!

    Anyone have any ideas on anything else I can do/try please? The one I got the most success with found the files under the NTFS format but, the drive states it's in FAT format.



    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Birthing Day gift suggestions?

    I need suggestions for things to put into a care package for my wife when she goes into the Hospital to give birth to the latest addition to our family in 3 weeks. We've done the whole baby shower thing so, this is stuff that will make her feel more "appreciated" whilst in the hospital recovering. Any ideas would be awesome.....Thanks!

    9 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago