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In fond memory of our Y!A friend Meg RIP (((Meggers))) _____________________________________ I encourage people to practice online reputation management and use search engines to see what others are posting about you. If you are being HARASSED online, you CAN fight back. Don't let BULLIES harass you! Helpline for those that are being harassed online: __________________ When words cannot express, use the Gratitude Gesture:
Do you have any links to good videos on Potty Training?
I am trying to get a 2 1/2 year old little girl trained.
She has a Minnie Mouse potty chair, and Dora the Explorer pull up diapers.
So if you know of any (you tube or other) online videos with those characters, I would appreciate links to them.
(I think it helps if they can 'identify' with a character that they already know)
Or if you have any other tips and/or ideas that have worked well for you, please pass them on to me.
I have already read all the info and website advise for the parent (or in my case the babysitter)... now I am looking for online character videos that I can show her online.
Thanks in advance.
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years agoIs there any easy and free online typing/keyboarding tutorials?
The one class I regret never having taken in high school is typing. Of course that was before computers.
Boy was I ever stupid, I didn't think I would ever want to be somebodies "secretary"
I type "OK" with the 2-3 finger hunt and peck method, but I have to look at the keys.
4 AnswersSoftware8 years agoPoll Survey: What if we (Y!A users) were *Truly Anonymous*?
I was watching competition shows like "The Taste" and "The Voice".
On Those shows, the contestants are not known to the judges until after they are selected
They are selected Just by hearing their voice , or the taste of their food.
The judges have no clue whatsoever about the contestant.
So what we (here on Answers) couldn't see any thing about the users until after a Q was resolved?
No user name nor avatar.
No Y!A stats nor badges.
No network connections.
And no chance of viewing a users previous Q/A
Would you still ask/answer Q's?
Would you ask/answer differently?
Would it make a difference in rating, following, and/or reporting?
8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoIs asking for an opinion necessarily a chat violation?
I thought that "opinions" were OK to ask for?
Even in the help pages, it says:
"It is possible that a question could be considered a "rant", even if it is formatted correctly. Avoid posting questions that are more about declaring your opinions than seeking knowledge."
BUT, it doesn't say that asking for an opinion is wrong, does it?
The help pages also state:
"Respectfully expressed strong opinions that contribute to useful knowledge for the community are OK on Yahoo! Answers. However, questions and answers that express hate and intolerance have no place on Yahoo! Answers and should be reported. Do not use slurs to refer to groups of people, do not insult other members, and do not act in a belligerent manner towards others."
But regardless.. I keep seeing users here telling other users that "asking for a personal opinion is a chat violation"
Please explain the difference to me.
#1 Which entree would you prefer for a wedding dinner Beef, Fowl, Seafood?
#2 Which phone is better the iPhone 5 or the S3
#3 In your opinion, Is Internet Explorer better than Firefox?
#4 What's your opinion about the Chicago Cubs baseball team verses the Chicago White Sox?
#5 In your opinion, Which team will be better this year? The Chicago White Sox or Chicago Cubs?
Which, if any, of those would be considered "chat"... and why
8 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago7 part Y!A Survey: 1) Have you committed a violation without understanding what you did wrong?
2) Do you know the difference between chatting and point gaming?
3)Did you know that Sending false reports will lower your trust level and subsequently your influence in future reporting?
4) Have you taken the pop quiz about reporting ? (it's an open book quiz)
5) Have you taken the Community Guidelines TEST? (HINT -it's from an old blog )
6) And did you receive 20 points for passing it?
(HINT: you still can take it and earn the points, if you haven't done it before )
7) Do you know how to appeal if you have been wrongfully reported?
Did you know there's an alternate appeal form? If so, please provide it in your answer.
Star if you found this survey interesting
8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoWhich (if any) of this question, and these answers, would be considered violations of the Community guidelines?
And please elaborate:
Why/why-not or how they could be worded better to comply?
Would you report any?
Would you thumb-up/down any answers, or Star the Q
Would you vote on a Best Answer?
What category(s) would you think it should be placed in?
Question: (posted in "Movies" category by default) (no additional details added)
Did you enjoy the movie "Labrinth" ?
A #1
I never saw it
yes, I love David Bowie
did you mean Labyrinth?
You spelled it wrong, but yes I loved it and saw it several times
Muppets are for babies
Never seen it cause it looks boring. I like moves where people get killed in nasty ways. Like Saw or hostel. Imma see the Texas chainsaw massacre in cinemas soon. :3
Yes, especially the worm
Jennifer Connelly was HOT when she was a teenager. I would do her
didnt ever see it
It was confusing. It seemed like a kiddie movie with adult fantasy and a bit on the dark side
14 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years agoSurvey: If the Atheists are so positive that they are right....?
then why do they continue to ask questions about Religions?
are they still questioning their (non) belief?
still 'on the fence'?
just seeking additional proof/confirmation?
don't they already think they have all the answers?
... just wondering
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoWhat are some words that do not follow the "i/e Rule"?
i' before 'e' except after 'c,'.... and ?
I can think of 3 off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are more.
7 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years agoRecipes and techniques for cinnamon tortilla's, cinnamon tortilla bowls, and fruity salsas and/or deserts?
I need some ideas for some upcoming events. (New Years, Football parties and Superbowl parties)
I want to make baked (not fried) Cinnamon tortilla chips, and put them in an edible baked cinnamon tortilla bowl
I am using these pans :
I haven't made these before so I need to know how much sugar/cinnamon to use and do I also use butter, cooking spray? or oil?
Do I coat both sides of the tortilla?
For the chips, I imagine I am supposed to use flour tortillas for the bowls and chips? Or would whole wheat be better?
I can use an oven companion product ( to expand the "shelves" in the oven, so it doesn't take forever to make tons of chips, but I need to know how long to bake and, again, sugar/cinnamon ratios and do I coat both sides, use of oils, and do I flip them over?
I need recipes for the salsas that I could make
Like strawberry salsa? or apple? Or Mango? Any ideas or recipes for that would be good with the cinnamon chips?
Will the mini-cinnamon tortilla bowls hold up if I serve the salsas in them? How to make them strongest to hold up?
And finally/Fifth:
Any desert ideas to put in the mini cinnamon tortilla bowls.
I am thinking of something similar to Cracker barrels "Fried Apples" with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream and caramel Sauce.
All Ideas would be helpful (especially if you've tried these before) and you don't have to answer all 5 parts of the Q to be considered as "Best Answer"
I will leave this question open for an extended period and I will choose a BA.
*Stars* are appreciated too, even if you don't have an answer.. (to get more people to see and answer).
Thank You in advance.
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years agoe-cigarettes Poll/survey. What Information/experience can you share?
I am researching the products and there are SO many different brands and prices. I would appreciate user comments, tips, experiences, and recommendations.
I smoke menthol 100's (prefer Newports/Maverick/Pall Mall)
and am looking to replace the flavor without the carcinogens, and hopefully wean myself off smoking all together.
But the starter kits are expensive and I don't want to waste my money on lousy products.
I have looked into 2 brands
MagicMist and Elektro
If you have tried these please answer about your experiences.
If you can recommend and answer about another brand, please do.
Any Information that you can share is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I am in the USA and need advice from USA available products.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoPoll/Survey: RE: Snack Pack® pudding?
They are on sale this week ($.80), so I'd like your advice.
I bought 5 4-packs, but I think I will go back for more.
Whats the best flavor(s)?
Is one serving enough, or do you eat 2 or more at a time?
How many packs would you buy for 1 adult?
How many packs would you buy for a child ?
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoCan you give me step-by-step instructions on how to tie my shoes.?
( this a question that is listed as one that could be asked at a job interview, and I am trying to prepare)
original question is "With your eyes closed, tell me step-by-step how to tie my shoes."
Other - Social Science9 years agoHow would you weigh a plane without scales?
( this a question that is listed as one that could be asked at a job interview, and I am trying to prepare)
11 AnswersAircraft9 years agoHow many times do a clock’s hands overlap in a day?
( this a question that is listed as one that could be asked at a job interview, and I am trying to prepare)
6 AnswersMathematics9 years agoWhy didn't Noah Swat those two mosquitoes?
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoWho said this Quote, about War Over Religion?
What religion was the speaker?
If you can, please provide video of the speech.
"War Over Religion- I don't get that -- people going to war over religion. I don't know, I could see going to war over justice or democracy or even revenge. But if you're going to war over religion, now you're just killing people in an argument over who has the better imaginary friend. "
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoHow many CEO's has Yahoo! had in the past 5 years, and what were their names?
I understand they just announced another new one....
I wonder how long this one will last?
4 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago3 part Poll: Do you think that Yahoo will block the photo avatars because of the porn?
Since abusers have taken advantage of the ability to upload porn and animated porn, do you see more of it?
Do you think it is a shame that a few "bad apples" always ruin it for the rest of us?
10 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoPoll:What list did Lady Gaga, George Clooney, Justin Bieber, and Leonardo DiCaprio all come in on top for 2011?
what do these celebs all have in common and be noted for?
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoCan I mix a can of crab meat in my Tuna salad?
I have Mayo and raw onion, no celery.. but I have plenty of other spices.
Not much other ingredients though.
What spices should I add to ^that.
6 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago