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Does anyone else feel this site is now a waste of time ?
Its nothing like it once was where you could debate and get feed-back from people, now its almost like your just typing your answers to your self.
I have used Yahoo Answers for more than 8 years, but i think its now time to move on and find another forum that is like how this one use to be, what do you think ?
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoCoronation Street, the Gavin and Michael story line.?
what a completely stupid storey line
why the hell don't Gavin just sit Michael down and tell him he is not his son
sooner or later they are going to have to tell him, its just so dumb to pay off the real Gavin
4 AnswersSoap Operas6 years agoUK only, why are street lights in the UK orange ?
4 AnswersOther - United Kingdom6 years agois there any way back for Matthew and Helen in BBUK?
After there big bust up can these two ever be friends again ?
personally I think they will have to kiss and make up but deep down they will never like each other again
and some one needs to tell Ash to stop taking Helens side because he wants to get into her knickers ( if you know what I mean)
3 AnswersReality Television7 years agoHelp, my mouse keeps being unloaded then re-loaded?
when I am working on my PC out of nowhere I hear the sound your computer makes when new software has been introduced and then my mouse (pointer) just will not move on the screen after a few seconds later I hear the sound again and my mouse is working again and it goes on and on doing it but then like now its fine and I have no problems
can anyone explain what I need to do to fix this please
1 AnswerOther - Hardware7 years agoBB14, who has really shown there true colours in the BB house?
Marlon, Ash and Winston, have in my opinion shown what they really are all about, when it was first announced they actually thought that they had been saved from being up by the power house mates (PHM) and where laughing and congratulating them selves until that is the penny dropped and then boom the brown stuff really hit the fan
3 AnswersReality Television7 years agoIf ghosts are real how come they have clothes on ?
ok if you accept that when a person dies their soul leaves the body and moves on but do the souls pack a bag before they move on to the next level ?
how do you explain a spirit wearing clothes ?
where and how do you get ghost clothes ?
do clothes have a soul to ?
the very fact that people who claim to see ghosts see them wearing clothes just proves to me that what they are seeing is a figment of their own imagination
3 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years agoBig Brother 14, will the tide now turn against Pauline now the house no she is not liked on the out side?
On Fridays eviction the house mates heard the crowd calling to get Pauline out
so far Mark and Matthew seem to be changing there opinion of her and even Pauline her self seemed to change tack with the way she had been bad mouthing Christopher
will we see the once mighty queen of the house fall from her perch as other house mates run for cover ?
2 AnswersDrama7 years agoif UKIP get there way and stop all immigration into the UK what will happen to the 6 million + Brits that live and work in Europe?
why should over countries let the Brits enjoy free movement when we refuse it to others
9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years agoIn the UK the press are still trying to convince us the voting public, that UKIP are the real thing?
they keep telling us this is not a protest vote but a real change in British politics but I can not find a single person who voted UKIP that did not do it as a protest.
it seems to me that the press are playing games by giving UKIP lots of hype and over blowing there success
lets remember it was a low turn out so most voters just stayed at home rather than vote UKIP
6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago(UK) where are the BNP these days ?
with the rise of UKIP it seems they have gone off the scale
5 AnswersGovernment7 years agoI am in the UK, how come I seem to be stuck in the American section of Any Answers ?
I have pressed the UK button in the international section but I am still locked in here
Don't get me wrong I do like you Americans but I really do not know anything about the laws in your states so most of the questions I do not have a clue what to say
is there no longer a UK-Ireland section any more if there is how do I get in ?
2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years agoThe Chines now tell the British Prim Minister who he can and can not meet, can it get any more humiliating ?
so the Chines now dictate to Cameron who he is allowed to meet after forcing him to agree to never meet the The Dalia Lama again as he has been known to bad mouth the Chines ruling party.
why did Cameron not just tell them as the UK Prim-Minister he will meet who he likes rather than act like a school boy who had been caught smoking in the dorm
8 AnswersPolitics8 years agothe McDonald's add that is re-writing history?
the McDonald's add that is now being shown on UK, TV where the old guy is sat there with his big mac and he starts to think back to when he was very young back in 1955 where it all started, or so the add says.
sitting there in the 1955 McDonald's is a young black girl with a white boy, now don't get me wrong I am glad times have changed but no way in hell would she have got served in McDonald's in 1955 never mind be seen out in public with a white boy
4 AnswersOther - Television8 years agoUK Community Charge Extortion?
I am a 46 year old man on JSA and I have done my best to pay the monthly community charge
like most people in the UK I am finding it very hard to pay my bills and live on the very little I get so the first month I was late paying but never the less I have made up my payments and today I am up to date, ore so I thought.
Today I got a letter stating that because my first payment was late, they want the rest of the money in full within 7 days ore they will take me to court and I will incur an additional charge of 104 pounds on top of what I owe.
where do these people think I can just pluck this money from ?
its like they are trying to force me into debut
Is this wrong or is it me ?
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years agoHome to roost, our sins have found us out?
Please do not misunderstand me, I am not in anyway trying to justify what these two men did in London in any way or shape, but...
these two men will have to stand before a court of law and try to justify why they did what they did.
people are calling it barbaric and horrific but how would we feel if they had put a bomb in a shop and killed 20 people, how would we feel if that was being done every week or even 3 times a week ?
how would we feel in the UK if an army from another country, lets say China dropped a bomb on a wedding party in Manchester killing 56 people, men women and children and the Chines government said, sorry about the mess but one of the guests was a wanted terrorist.
would we in the west except that would we just say, well that's ok then, no we would be up in arms and rightly so but our military along with America are doing this in our name in Afghanistan and Pakistan how can we do these things and then talk about justice and the rule of law
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago