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  • A mass m = 17 kg is pulled along a horizontal floor, with a coefficient of kinetic friction μk = 0.04, for a distance d = 8.6 m. ?

    A mass m = 17 kg is pulled along a horizontal floor, with a coefficient of kinetic friction μk = 0.04, for a distance d = 8.6 m. Then the mass is continued to be pulled up a frictionless incline that makes an angle θ = 25° with the horizontal. The entire time the massless rope used to pull the block is pulled parallel to the incline at an angle of θ = 25° (thus on the incline it is parallel to the surface) and has a tension T = 28 N.

    1. What is the work done by tension before the block gets to the incline?

    I got 218.24, which is correct.

    2. What is the work done by friction as the block slides on the flat horizontal surface?

    I got 57.369, which is incorrect.

    3. What is the speed of the block right before it begins to travel up the incline

    I got 4.3, which is incorrect.

    4. How far up the incline does the block travel before coming to rest?

    I got 2.2, which is incorrect.

    5. What is the work done by gravity as it comes to rest?

    I got 70.48, which is incorrect

    Physics1 year ago
  • Country Song with the word "waiting"?

    So, I was in this dinner and I hear this great song. I've heard it one time before but i don't remember the name.

    Basically it was a country song and it had lyrics like "I've been waiting, waiting" or "he will be waiting, waiting" but I couldn't hear the rest because it was kinda of loud.

    It was slow and sang by a female. It kind of sounded like Miley Cyrus? I'm not sure but the song it sooo good and it's driving me crazy that I can't find it.

    1 AnswerLyrics2 years ago
  • Univeristy of Maryland College Park or Towson University for Computer Science?

    I was accepted to both UMD and TU as a transfer. However, because cs at UMD is now an "LEP" (limited enrollment program), I was only accepted as a Letters and Science major. But at TU, I was accepted as a cs major. I m a little hesitant about the cs program at UMD being so competitive. I was never a fan of competition. And UMD is also really big.

    I want to have a cybersecurity specialization. I mostly want a school that ll give me opportunities and a good job (hopefully before I graduate).

    Here s the back story: I applied to UMBC, UMD, and TU. I got into TU and UMD but I need to wait until I send my final transcripts to UMBC to get a final decision, and UMBC is my top choice. But, I need to enroll to a college in case I don t get into UMBC.

  • can i wear hiking boots in the snow?

    i was just wondering if i can wear hiking boots in the snow. like nothing extreme, just for walking to and from classes, shoveling the snow, walking the dogs, etc.

    for small things like that, are hiking boots appropriate?

    7 AnswersSnow Skiing2 years ago
  • Evaluate the integral by making the given substitution?

    ∫ cos θ sin θ dθ, u = cos θ

    then calculate it by making the other substitution.

    3 AnswersMathematics2 years ago
  • cross country training on a treadmill?

    so i live in upstate new york and it is really cold during the winter. it is too uncomfortable to run outside in these temperatures.

    i took a year off of cross country, but i want to run next year in the upcoming season. i thought i should get training during the winter to get into shape, then start getting a bit more serious about times when i am able to run outside again.

    i was planning on training inside on a treadmill. i know treadmills are completely different from running outside, but its better than nothing, right?

    1 AnswerRunning2 years ago
  • How long does it take to complete a minor in college?

    I'm a freshman in my first semester of college and a computer science major. I go to a liberal arts school and, as a degree requirement, I have to take on a minor. I play the violin and I was considering a music minor anyways so I wasn't bothered by it.

    I'm planning to start working on the music minor during my sophomore year, but I just don't want to be in school longer than 4 years.

    Would I complete it within 4 years?

  • would you lose weight if you took laxatives every night?

    im 5'0 and im about 125lbs. i want to be around 120 or less in like 2 weeks.

    if i took laxatives every night, would i lose weight/relatively close to my goal? i have a natural one called Swiss Kriss.

    thanks :)

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness3 years ago
  • A spherical snowball is melting in such a way that its diameter is decreasing at rate of 0.1 cm/min.?

    A spherical snowball is melting in such a way that its diameter is decreasing at rate of 0.1 cm/min. At what rate is the volume of the snowball decreasing when the diameter is 17 cm.

    i dont understand the differentiation part

    3 AnswersMathematics3 years ago

    i have a pretty decent violin right now, but idk i just had the thought of upgrading. mine isn't like SUPER great but its also not crap.

    i was wondering if i upgrade, should i just buy another one, meaning having two, or should i trade it??


    2 AnswersClassical4 years ago
  • is there blood work prior to getting your wisdom teeth pulled?

    I'm going to the dentists tomorrow so that the dentist can give me my prescription for before the procedure.

    the receptionist mentioned my blood pressure would be taken, but i was just wondering about blood work because I'm terrified on needles

    2 AnswersDental4 years ago
  • i think my dog hurt her hip?

    **i don t have a way to get to the vet right now like at this hour but i can go later i just need to know what to do for right now

    we were outside and she was running towards a bird but then she suddenly stopped and crouched over and started to squeal. i initially thought her stepped on something but her paws seems fine by the way she was walking-- she s walking normally.

    so i was feeling around and i got to her right and she squealed again. she s walking fine, like normal but not running.

    i took her inside and she s currently layon her the couch (on her LEFT hip) and i put a cold pack on her right hip and a blanket over her bc she s a SHAKING a lot.

    i noticed that like she can lay on her right hip (the injured one) just fine, and like hopping on and off the couch is fine for her??

    3 AnswersDogs4 years ago
  • can my spa still go up?

    i got my report card and my gap is 3.37 (but round it to 3.4) I am coming into this school year as a senior

    i want to get it 3.5 (or where i can round it to 3.5) by the time i need to fill out college applications!

  • is 15 schools too much to apply to?

    I m thinking about applying to 15 schools

    4 of them of which use the common app

    is that too many??

  • how do you power on a casio?

    stupid question, i know

    i found my old casio ctk 593 and the power adapter but when i tried to turn it on and it didn't power on. i flipped it over and saw that there was a compartment for batteries??? so do i need both the batteries and the power adapter to turn it on because i don't think so.

    if it sounds like my old friend it dead, much do you think i can get off of it (so i can buy a new one)?

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics4 years ago
  • how do you "relocate" carpenter bees?

    we have a bunch a carpenter bees work at our house, and we dont want to kill them; we simply want to move themes they're not destroying our home. i don't mind that they're still on our property and i just don't want to destroy our home.

    is there anywhere to like get the carpenter bees to work in a different area?

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate4 years ago
  • vegan foods that can last a while without cooling?

    i'm going on a trip next week and I'm vegan and the ppl I'm going with aren't and i don't want them to cater to my diet

    the trip is 3 days so what are some vegan foods i can take w me that require minimum refrigeration?

    im thinking like fruit & nut bars, dried fruits, veggies etc but what abt like "meals" lol


    13 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan4 years ago
  • i want o be vegan but im scared of deficiencies?

    i want to go vegan, but should i talk with my doctor or go to a dietitians before starting? my friend has been vegan for a couple of years but she recently had a calcium deficiency and was hospitalized.

    should i talk w my doctors first or just start now and go to my doctors when ever its convenient? THANKS

    12 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • heavy, medium or thin picks for beginning mandolin player?

    so i ve been playing the mando for about a month and i think im pretty good but im not great and i could use a lot of improvement.

    i got one pick when i bought the mandolin and its thin/heavy, but i found another pick at home and its thin. I cracked the thin pick, but i like it better than the thick one.

    also the pick occasionally flies out my hand or i find it slipping? is that because of the think im using or is it just i need better pick grip?

    THANKS!! this really helps me out

    2 AnswersRock and Pop4 years ago
  • Whats a good quality mandolin?

    so i bought a mandolin yesterday and when i got home i noticed that the wood isn't great? like theres lines in the wood but its like fake kind of wood? i have a violin and the wood on there is like one nice finish but on this one you can see that its like wanting to give the impression on wood but theres a finish that like glossy and theres little ridges. on the inside you can clearly tell its wood though

    is my mandolin a good quality one? im considering taking it back

    1 AnswerOther - Music4 years ago