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  • How to deal with an impending diagnosis?

    I've been waiting for a diagnosis on a vision impairment disease since June. I've seen multiple specialists and gotten multiple tests and they still don't know why my vision is worsening. I have another appointment in two weeks with a new specialist and I'm really going crazy waiting. Do you have any advice on how to cope with a pending diagnosis? Especially when it's taking so long to come to a conclusion for something as heavy as losing my eyesight.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases2 years ago
  • When should you take O&M training?

    Would you take it when you get diagnosed with a disease, before your vision gets bad and you're still able to see enough to help orient yourself? Or is it better/ more recommended to wait until vision reaches a certain level of diminished to take the training?

    Optical2 years ago
  • When to take O&M training?

    Currently, I'm seeing a retinal specialist to determine what is going on with my vision (there's a lot happening to my retina). I'm 21 years old and I've noticed the past few weeks my vision is getting worse. I'm going to see another specialist in a few weeks because my original one can't diagnose me with anything. My question is, if I get diagnosed with something, what's the next step? Do I need to reach a certain level of impairment before I should take O&M training or should I take it right away, knowing I could go blind one day? I'm so unsure of where to go from here. Thank you!

    Optical2 years ago
  • In a retina exam, what does IS/OS loss mean?

    My retina exam came back with a line reading "SF IS/OS loss. Diffuse atrophy." What does that mean?

    2 AnswersOptical2 years ago
  • What's your best guess about what's going on with my eyes? Please help me?

    I was recently referred to see a retina specialist, and although I have to get further tests done, I'm really nervous about the results of my first visit. I'm a 21 year old female. I don't have a family history of Parkinson's or diabetes. I don't have high blood pressure and I wasn't born prematurely. My retinas are very very thin, I have a central visual field defect, RPE (retinal pigment epithelial) changes, and diffuse macular atrophy. I have to get tests done that include an ERG, a fluorescein angiogram, and an autofluorescence done. My doctor mentioned cone rod degeneration and seems to think it's something genetic. How worried should I really be? What does this sound like to you? I feel like I'm being dramatic, being so afraid of the results, but this doesn't sound good either. What are the possibilities I should be considering? Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases2 years ago
  • Retina issues? Please help me!?

    I had to see a retina specialist the other day, and although I have to get further tests done, I'm really nervous about the results of my first visit. I'm a 20 year old female. My retinas are very very thin, I have a central visual field defect, RPE (retinal pigment epithelial) changes, and diffuse macular atrophy. I have to get tests done that include an ERG, a fluorescein angiogram, and an autofluorescence done. My doctor mentioned cone rod degeneration. I don't have, or have a family history of Parkinson's or diabetes, and I wasn't born prematurely, How worried should I really be? What does this sound like to you? I feel like I'm being dramatic, being so afraid of the results, but this doesn't sound good either. What are the possibilities I should be considering? Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases2 years ago
  • Reasons for 20 year old to have retina issues?

    I had to see a retina specialist the other day, and although I have to get further tests done, I'm really nervous about the results of my first visit. I'm a 20 year old female. My retinas are very very thin, I have a central visual field defect, RPE (retinal pigment epithelial) changes, and diffuse macular atrophy. I have to get tests done that include an ERG, a fluorescein angiogram, and an autofluorescence done. My doctor mentioned cone rod degeneration. How worried should I really be? What does this sound like to you? I feel like I'm being dramatic, being so afraid of the results, but this doesn't sound good either. What are the possibilities I should be considering? Thanks!

    2 AnswersOptical2 years ago
  • Help! Awful period pain?

    Im a 17 year old female (obviously ha). I have always had severe period cramps since my period started when I was ten. Every month they get worse, and this month I was crying because I couldn t handle the pain. I have a high pain tolerance; I broke my nose and laughed, walked on a broken ankle, and competed in a sports tournament with a torn tendon in my ankle. The pain im feeling now is still unbearable. It also hurts when I have sex near where I would imagine my ovaries to be. do you think this could be endometriosis? Or ademomyosis? Please help me.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Severe period cramp causes?

    Im a 17 year old female (obviously ha). I have always had severe period cramps since my period started when I was ten. Every month they get worse, and this month I was crying because I couldn t handle the pain. I have a high pain tolerance; I broke my nose and laughed, walked on a broken ankle, and competed in a sports tournament with a torn tendon in my ankle. The pain im feeling now is still unbearable. It also hurts when I have sex near where I would imagine my ovaries to be. do you think this could be endometriosis? Or ademomyosis? Please help me.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • What's the name of this song?

    A guy was singing it and it was alternative/ punk kind of genre. It sounded similar to secondhand serenade or all time low. The only words I remember are "And Everybodys singing la la la la la la la". I know that's not much to go off of, but if you can help me please do! Thanks!

    3 AnswersLyrics6 years ago
  • All Star Cheerleading Gyms near me?? Please help!?

    I cheered at Star Athletics All Star Gym in New Jersey for three years but after an injury, I had to leave. For a few reasons, I can't go back. I'm looking for another gym near me to join. I live in North Jersey and I'm looking for somewhere that's really good. I'm a level 4.2 cheerleader and I need help finding a new gym. Please help me!!

    1 AnswerOther - Sports6 years ago
  • Jane Eyre Secondary Sources?

    I'm writing a paper on foils in Jane Eyre and I need to have two secondary sources and I can't find any anywhere. They have to be scholarly and official and not just a blog post, which is mostly what I'm finding. If anyone knows any good sources or can find one it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Tendon repair surgery recovery time?

    I have a torn tendon in my ankle. Since January, I've been in a boot, a cast, and I'm currently in another boot. I know I have tendinitis on both sides of my ankle and also in my Achilles tendon. I don't know which is torn. I'm concerned about recovery time of the surgery? How long will I be in a cast afterwards? Will I have to stay in the hospital? Will I need home instruction for school? Will I need to be in a boot when the cast comes off? How long? And if physical therapy is needed, how long will I need to go to that? Thank you.

    Also, I'm a generally healthy sixteen year old girl, although something (I'm not sure what) abnormal showed up in my blood work.

    1 AnswerInjuries6 years ago
  • Good and addictive anime ?

    I just finished code geass and I loved it . Other anime I've watched and loved include naruto, ouran high school host club, and kodocha . I like animes with layers . If you can, a short synopsis of the series would be great (but with no spoilers please ! ) . Can you suggest any anime that you think id like ? Thanks !

    5 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago
  • A computer game from my childhood?

    There was this cooking game I used to play when I was younger. It connected to the keyboard and you could move all the attachments which let you crack eggs and mix things. I remember the attachment was pink and blue and I'm pretty sure the girl in the program was blonde. Do you know what this could be? Thanks!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Could this mean I'm pregnant?

    I'm on the pill and on Sunday my boyfriend and I had sex. We used a condom and he came inside me. When he pulled out the condom was ripped but no *** came out of me like it said it would online. I didn't feel anything go in and I didn't see anything either. About two weeks ago, I ran out of pills and I missed about three before my new order came in. I know I can get my period if I skip a pill but it was delayed. I read somewhere that light spotting and slight cramps can happen when the egg is fertilized and I'm scared that's what this 'period' is. But it feels like an actual period with heavy bleeding and bad cramps, emotional roller coasters and even the period poops(ew). Do you think this bleeding could be the spotting that shows a fertilized egg? Or could this be a period from missing a few pills? I'm not supposed to get my period for another two weeks. Thanks.

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • There are fleas in my bed?

    It's two in the morning, I have school tomorrow and my cat has fleas which are in my bed now. How am I supposed to sleep? What am I supposed to do?

    1 AnswerOther - Pets8 years ago
  • Help for creative writing homework?

    I'm in a creative writing class and our assignment is to write a short story. It needs to be between 6 and 20 pages. I'm having two major problems with this assignment, the first being that I can't think of an idea. I'm leaning towards the horror genre but I can't think of an actual story. The other problem is I don't know how to end the story in 20 pages. Usually when I write it drags on and gets gross when it started out good. Can you help me think of a story and a way to end it? Thanks !

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities8 years ago